Chapter 11

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"Im really sorry about them, you've seen how protective they are." Jessa says as they walk into her room and close the door.

"It's ok, they will just have to get used to it." Tristan says, intertwining his fingers and pulling her close, resting his forehead on hers.

"I should get packing." Jessa bites her lip.

"We can do that tomorrow. Right now is for you and I." His smile widened as he lightly pressed her against the wall. He kissed her roughly and they both grinned. As he goes in for another one the boys barge in and drag him out of the house.

"If you get her for 2 months we get her until then!" Jack shouts. Once he is out the door they all begin to chuckle.

"There is something very wrong with you guys." Jessa comes down.

"Something wrong with us? You're the one who's leaving for 2 months to go on tour with your boyfriend who you met like 3 days ago!" Jonah shouts.

"I hope you realize that this is my job." She retorts.

"Actually you were hired as our photographer. That's just a side gig." Zach says.

"Umm the last time I checked I haven't had much to do with you guys. And 
worst comes to worst, get Logan to do it."

"But Jess, you can't goooo." Daniel whines.

"Ya, like, do you know how old he is? He's basically a pedo with you." Zach crosses his arms.

"Woah, woah, woah, that was too far. Just because there's an age gap doesn't mean he's a pedophile." Jessa got defensive.

"How would you know? Huh? You just met him." Zach says.

"Because I've been hit on by pedophiles before, ok. I know what they are like. Tristan isn't one."

 After Jessa said this it went silent.

"Let's just go do something. Get our minds off of it." Jessa suggests.

"Fine! But this is not over." Corbyn says.

They spent the rest of the night doing what they so best, nothing important. It wasn't until the next morning that they remembered what Jessa had planned. The doorbell rings and Corbyn goes to open it. When he sees a tall British boy standing there he slammed the door right in his face. Once again he hears the knocking. "No! Jessa is ours and there is nothing you can do about it."

Jessa walks towards the door rolling her eyes. "Just let him in, he's helping me pack for the tour." She complained.

"Why do you need his help when you have us." Corbyn crossed his arms.

"Well you see, he knows what I will need while on the tour. I don't."


"Just let him inside." Jessa cuts him off.

Finally they let Tristan in, but if you think they let him in Jessa's room alone you're wrong. With the effort if all 7 of them she was done packing in 2 hours.

"Now that the packing is all done, I think it's about time to go. Don't ya think?" Zach tilts his head.

"How about we invite Logan and London over and we could have a big game/movie night before Jessa leaves." Daniel Suggests.

They ordered pizza and called Logan, within the hour everything was in place. A movie was playing on the TV, there was a selection of games on the floor and pizza on the table.

They stayed up till the early hours of the morning. Tristan and Jessa fell asleep on the couch, Daniel and London on the other, and Logan took Daniel's bed. They all wake up when Tristan gets a call from Brad.

He gets up and goes to another room then answers. "Hey, mate."

"Just a little reminder we leave in a few hours. I assumed you would be tired cause you probably stayed up pretty late with Jessa."

"Oh shut up it's not like that, and we both know the brothers wouldn't let that happen."

"Whatever you say, but we will be there in a hour or so to pick up you and your bags." Brad says before hanging up.

The morning was hectic, people running around getting last minute things settled. When the Vamps got there they boys refused to help put things in the car, but took their sweet time saying good bye. Jessa could see them fake crying as they drove away.

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