Chapter 31

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When Jessa walked into the house, the boys were all lounging around. 

"How was it?" Jonah asked.

"Fine." She said quickly before walking to her room. On her way to the stairs she met eyes with Jack, who was on the couch. 

When she finally disappeared to the second level the boys started talking. "What was that all about?" Zach asked, watching where Jessa walked.

"I don't know, let's check twitter." Jonah recommended.

Low and behold, on the trending tab was Shawn Mendes. Attached was a plethora of similar pictures of him and Jessa walking out of the ice cream place. They could all see the nerves in Jessa's face while she was hand and hand with Shawn, but it was difficult to see through the crowds of people.

"I should go talk to her. She's probably still shaken up by all of this." Jack said, looking up to the guys and heading after Jessa.

He knocks softly on the door before poking his head in. "Hey. You ok?"

"I don't know why I thought this was going to be a good idea." Jessa shook her head, looking out her window.

Jack walks in and sits beside her on the bed.

"Because you're so caring. You just wanted to help him." He placed his hand on her shoulder.

"Who can I help? I can't even be in a crowd without panicking." Jessa sighed.

"You help me. Everyday. Just by being with me. I'm sure Shawn feels the same way, if he doesn't he's crazy." He kissed her forehead.

Jessa leaned her head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry." She paused, "For making you go through all of this."

Jack was caught off guard. His mouth fell slightly agape as he looked down at her. "Jess, there's nothing for you to be sorry for. So I'm not happy about it, it's still your life and your decisions. You shouldn't have to accommodate for me. You felt like you were doing the right thing, so I trust you."

"I just don't want to upset you."

"How about you make it up to me?" Jack repressed a smile.

"What do you mean?"

"Go to dinner with me. We'll go somewhere nice, and private." Jack offered.

"No big crowds?" She looked up to him.

"No big crowds."

Jessa went to bed peacefully that night, something she didn't thinks she could do without Jack some nights. Jack spent the next morning being all mysterious about his plans for their date, giving vague hints but nothing more. 

Finally it was time to leave for the date that Jessa got all dolled up for. The drive was longer than she anticipated they went pretty far outside of the city to a small town on the countryside. They pulled into a gravel parking lot on the street corner and walked into a small diner.

Jack smiled as he held the door open. "This place is owned by a family friend, I pulled some strings and we have the place to ourselves for the evening."

"Jack, this is amazing." Jessa was in awe.

"No big deal, I just thought our first real date should be special." He blushed faintly.

"This is perfect." Jessa gave him a sweet kiss before they sat down at a table in the middle of the room.

The music came from a jukebox in the corner by the bar, it played low, comforting music over the sound of clinking plates and silverware. Jack's connection came out briefly to see why he wanted the place and to introduce himself. He was a stalky man with big hands. He wore a red flannel shirt like they imagined most of the people in this small country town to do. His voice was low and gruff, but warm. Jessa could feel how at ease Jack was around him. She could tell this seemingly rough man hand a soft personality and an affinity for Jack and his family.

"How's the food?" Jack asked between bites.

"Oh, it's great. This better not be the only time we come here." Jessa responded.

"Only the first of many." 

Jessa smiled, taking a sip of her drink. "This place means a lot to you doesn't it?"

Jack took a slow look around. "Ya, I mean, I grew up here. This was the first place I performed, this was my first job, I had my birthday party here every year."

"I  bet from all that you've discovered your favorite dessert on the menu, right?" 

"For sure, just wait till you try it." 

A couple minutes later, the man comes out with a small lava cake, steam rolling off of it like smoke. He set it down in the center of the table and sprinkled on a pile of powdered sugar before retreating back to the kitchen.

"So this is it, huh?" She smiled looking from the cake to Jack.

"Dig in." He said. 

After the first bite Jessa melted into her chair. She could see why it was his favorite. "If I grew up here like you did, there is no way I would be this skinny with this cake around, damn." She joked.

By the time they finished the cake, the sun had gone down and  Jessa finally noticed the string lights glowing above them. 

"Care for a dance?" Jessa said, standing up and sticking her hand out to Jack.

"I thought you'd never ask." He smiled getting up and following her to the open floor space by the bar.

They spent the rest of that evening slow dancing to the music before heading back home.

Living With Why Don't WeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora