Chapter 7

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"Jessa, this is huge!!" Jonah says.

"Tell us everything that happened." Corbyn insists.

"No! It's none of your business." She states before she runs up to her room with a big smile on her face. She quickly closes the door. She lets out a breath and collapses on her bed.

A couple seconds later Corbyn and Jonah barge in this time bringing the others with them. "Oh come on! Can't you tell us. We are your best friends." Jonah wines.

"Get out, I have work to do." She chuckles.

"Oh, you might want to do that fast because Logan is coming over and we are expecting you to hang out with us." Daniel warns.

"Oh, great." Jessa says sarcastically.

They left and she began to work on the pictures from the photoshoot with the Vamps. She pumps up her music in hopes it will drown out the sound of the boys downstairs.

The doorbell rings and Logan struts in with a guest.

"Hey guys, this is my cousin London. She just moved here and I thought we could all have some fun." Logan greets.

"Hey, guys!" She greets enthusiastically.

"Come in, we'll go get Jessa." Corbyn says.

"Oh ya. I forgot about her. She doesn't talk much does she?" Logan asks.

"She talks to us, she's just not very good with new people." Jonah says.

"Well, let's go introduce you guys." Jack says leading them all upstairs.

They could hear the bass pumping from the stairs. They knock bit nothing happens. They open the door and see her focusing on her computer until she looks up to see them.
"I'm the new cancer, never looked better. You can't stand it." An angelic voice sings from her speaker before she turns it off.

"What are you listening to?" Jack chuckles.

"There's A Good Reason These Tables Are Numbered Honey, You Just Haven't Thought Of It Yet, by Panic! At The Disco." She says while they all just look at her. "Shut up."

Jessa meets eyes with London. "Who's the stranger?"

"I'm London, London Cassidy, Logan's cousin. I just moved into town." She smiles with a small wave.

"Oh, sorry. I'm Jessa."

"Come down and chill with us." Zach says to Jessa.

"Fine." She agrees her computer and they head down.

"By the way, I ordered a bunch of pizza and it should be her in a couple minutes." Logan warns.

It was slightly awkward. Logan was filming everything, the guys were messing around, London was laughing and watching them. All Jessa did was text Tristan because of her awkwardness in social situations.

"Hey, it's getting pretty late, do you want to watch a movie?" Daniel asks.

"Dude, we should watch a horror movie." Logan says and they all agree.

They pick one out and are about to play it. Jessa stands up to leave. "Where do you think you're going?" Jack asks.

"I still have to finish some pictures, plus, horror movies aren't really my thing." She says.

"Oh, come on. Who's going to cuddle into me when they scary parts come on. I mean Daniel's got the only girl." Jonah frowns.

"Cuddle with Corbyn." Jessa replies.

"It's not the same." Jonah says with puppy eyes.

"I might come down later if I finish."

"But you won't know what's going on." Jack complains.

"It won't be hard to figure it out." She says heading up the stairs.

"But-" Jonah starts.

"Shut up!" Jessa yells from the stairs.

About 45 minutes later Jessa finishes the pictures and quietly comes downstairs. All the lights are out and everyone is silent. She sees London and Daniel snuggled up together on a large chair. Zach and Jack sitting in the other, #Jackary. Logan, Corbyn, and Jonah were sitting on the couch.

She got a little closer, still no one noticed her. Suddenly she screams. They all freak out, bringing Zach and Jonah to their feet. They look at you as you bend over laughing.

Jonah and Zach sit back down and they all let out breaths. They all begin to laugh. "What is wrong with you, Jess?" Jack groans.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself." Jessa apologizes still cackling.

"Come finish the movie with us." Jonah invites, patting his lap.

He opens up his blanket Jessa curls up on him. He covers them back up with the blanket and they continue to watch the movie.

 He covers them back up with the blanket and they continue to watch the movie

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"What's with them?" Logan whispers it Corbyn.

"I think just like siblings. I mean, Jessa has a boyfriend." He replies.

"How long?" Logan whispers.

"Just a couple of days. He kissed her for the first time today and she was blushing like crazy." He laughs. "It was pretty out of character for her."

"Really? She seems so shy." Logan admits.

"You probably scare her. You're pretty loud." Corbyn chuckles.


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