Chapter 22

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The next morning came, then the afternoon came. No sign of Jessa to be seen. The boys were in the living room working on some new music, but it came to a halt with a knock at the door.

"Oh, hey Jake." Zach greeted, surprised.

"Hey, I have to talk to Jessa." He folds his hands in front of him awkwardly.

"Uh, she's not up yet."

"Ya she is." He slips through the door and heads up the stairs.

"Dude, What the hell do you think you're doing?" Jack stood in front of him.

"London told me what happened here last night. You guys are so toxic, no wonder she was so nervous all the time." He scoffs before pushing his way through.

Jack follows Jake as he heads to Jessa's room. When he opened the door Jack expected Jessa to still be sleeping, but she was packing. And with a glare, Jake shut the door.

"Do you need any help?" Jake asks her.

"I can't fit anything in this suitcase." She says, pushing her whole body weight on the top of it.

"Ok, I'll deal with it, you can get the rest of you stuff together." Jake offers.

When Jessa came back with a  small bag, Jake was packing neatly folded clothes to fit in the suitcase. He closed it and zipped it up neatly.

"How can you pack a suitcase so well?" Jessa asks.

"I moved around a lot as a kid while my parents were together, then when they split up I had to pack to go from house to house." He explains with a sad smile.

"Oh, I'm so sorry." Jessa sat beside him.

"Don't be, sometimes it's for the best." He bumps her shoulder lightly.

When Jessa had everything she needed they head downstairs, but they are stopped at the door.

"Jessa, what's going on here?" Jonah asks nervously.

"I'm staying with London for a while." She looks down at her feet. "She's helping me with some marketing stuff."

She couldn't get herself to say anything else. She looked up helplessly at Jake to get her out of there. He opened the door and guided her out to hid car.

"That's gonna be fun dealing with later." She sighs putting her bags in the back.

"Guys, I really messed up, what do we do?" Jack begins paseing.

"She's just staying with a friend, she'll be back in a few days, I'm sure." Corbyn tried to calm them down.

"Maybe Jake had a point. Maybe we were too harsh." Jonah adds.

"We have To do something big to apologize." Zach says.

"So, lets do what we do best. Write a song."

And that they did.

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