Labyrinth 34

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"Life is the art of dying"
by. Unknown

Third Person's POV

"Another down?" The guy with raven hair teasingly arced his left brow and smirked as he kicked the opponent's knight with his chess piece, causing the latter to complain about taking her pieces down in just two f*cking rows! But then giggled afterward.

"The game's starting to be more interesting, huh? Secrets after secrets, lie after lies... Don't you think making their life more fun?" He shook his head at her statement. He wants to take everything slowly. For pain for him is a new pleasure, and it will be more fun if he'll going to witness more suffering. Seeing blood and their agony thrills him more.

"Killing them slowly is much more
ecstatic." His menacing smile played on his lips while his fingers slowly went to the wine glass, creating motions in it. He's not done with their sufferings yet, rather he only wants more.

"You really are insane."

And yes, he is. He's even proud of it! He loves manipulating his chess pieces on his hands. Undeniably being confident at owning the game he started, but is he really the master of his so-called game?


"What if they turned the tables, are you ready?" The sudden shift in the atmosphere grew intense. What that person said makes sense! Both of them know the possibility of it, unless...

"They won't. I'm even doing them a favor." He shrugged as he drank the red wine in his glass. Well, he's the game master by the way. Unfortunately, the latter's attempt to intimidate the young mysterious man doesn't affect him even a pinch. 'Cause he knows how to play the game well. He has his cards and he knows when to use them. So what if they turned the table? It's already late for he already had them in their necks. The table doesn't matter anymore, but the snap of his fingers is.

So, were the guest's sufferings only for this mysterious man's pleasure? Were they only for fun, for an experiment? No one knows what's running in his cunning, insane mind but one thing's for sure... He'll make the game more entertaining for him.

"I think it's time for another thrill, what do you think?"

The latter's bloody red lips curved in excitement. She obviously is in favor of what she just heard. And the sudden contact of the glass of wine to the surface of the table made a fulfilling sound in his ears while his mischievous smirk made its way in his lips as he turned to have a glance at the now bitten red apple.

Someone had already taken a bite, a cue for him to start his other crazy plan. And it just makes him thirst for more blood.

Laine's POV

Melody stepped inside the dice-box, getting ready to play with death too, but when she was about to, a loud frequency bombarded our ears. I closed my eyes and a wince escaped my mouth cause of its defeating noise. We keep enduring it for a minute until it finally stopped making me heaved a deep breath as if being freed by the suffocating intense sound.

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