The Storms of an Unforgiving God

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Growing up I was told water will wash away your sins

And maybe that's why I love the rain

Because it is the kisses of the lonely

The reminder every day we start anew

But the rain cannot wash it all away

The distant putter-patter of the drops
will not be always there to cleanse you

I have learned you need to cleanse yourself

Sometimes you need to create your own rainstorm, your own tsunami of tears

Wash away your own sins

And cleanse yourself because God may not be so forgiving

Don't be afraid to start your own storm and let it roll down your face

Because a God who killed his own son feels the need to remind us we are his children

A God who creates our life's plan kills us every day

And I'm sick of playing in the rainstorm of his game

Long live this bloody rain

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