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Little men build a wall brick by brick



Spackling in between

They build it high and enclosed like a cage

Around your heart

And it wasn't always there

But the pain of your past led to its construction

You dream of love in its all glory

You dream of a life with more than yourself

But the wall of your ribcage doesn't let your heart seep through

So you come off as heartless

When all you're looking for is love

And it gets harder to find someone with the courage to break down these walls

And you start to think maybe you're not worth it

You build your walls to impossible heights

Those that try and find your heart feel as if they're looking into an abyss

You're fuming apaty

When your heart beats with empathy

all you wanted was a little love

And now your hearts hanging from a tree

There's no longer a you for it to beat inside of

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