Follow the Leader!

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You follow me around

You say the things I say

You do the things I do

You act the way I act

You dress the way I dress

I wish you'd find yourself

I wish you'd be yourself

I wish you'd stop trying to be something you're not

You follow me like a little puppy

Kicked around and deserted

What you don't understand is the reasoning behind my action

The stories behind my words

But yet you try to live my life like you know it

Like you own it

But you are not me

I am

And godammit I'm sick of answering to you

I'm your play thing

Or your minion

You toss me aside when you get the feeling

But I'm always ready to be played with again

And that's the problem

The fact that I keep coming back

I'm tired and broken but I come back to you

I'm having a difficult time finding myself

Because your shadow is always hovering above mine

I try to be my own person

But you arrange it so there's always two of me

And I'm starting to feel like the unwanted copy

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