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I am forged from stars,
born of dirt,
lover of my mother,
soldier of my father,
daughter of the sea.

I am more than ancient ruins,
I am stronger than steel,
I am every bit as important as the president.

Call me cold,
Call me cruel and evil,
Call me self absorbed.

I am kindness,
I am intelligence,
I am wisdom,
I am the calm before the storm,
I am the air beneath your wings,
I am the swift movement of a bird in flight.

I am every cent you've ever spent,
I am every song you've ever loved,
I am every ocean you've ever swam in,
I am every breath your lover's taken,
I am every nerve before every exam,

I am so much more than what you make me,
Mountains rise from my fingertips,
Oceans move to surround me,
The stars come just to tuck me in,
The sun is the best alarm I'll ever know,
Flowers flourish at my command.

Call me confident,
Call me strong,
Call me unforgiving.

But you will not longer call me,


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