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I find it much easier to be myself when nobody's watching

Hiding behind closed doors and locked closets

It's easier being me when I'm somebody else

And it's hard to feel loved when you don't love yourself

And trying to escape the box you put yourself in

Is more difficult than any math problem youve even seen

So you hide heart away

You lock it up

And you hope somebody has the courage to find it

In the meantime they just find you heartless

When in reality your blindsided by the pain of your past

And the pain of seeing yourself in mirrors each day

I'm trying very hard not to hide from myself

I cried the first time in two years

I told my friends things they've should've known long ago

And I screamed  I love you from the rooftops

But yet I still can't admit truths to myself

That I will never be perfect

That something's enough is more than enough

And maybe I should be put in a hexagon and not a box

But for some reason

My mind chose the easier paths

It's much easier to hate yourself than love yourself

It's much easer to hide than to shout your insecurities

And you let tiny men build walls brick by brick surrounding your heart

I feed myself with hatred

And others with heart

This box is the worst place to start

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