a duet

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imagine a waltz, a side swagger

imagine me and you

imagine a song played for two


we begin, common time, common lives

shared and sacred smiles

we begin with two strangers recounting their lies

dancing and circling one another quietly

one move at a time


a brisk walk and hot cocoa

the snow falls around us

the world is quiet

all is soft

the world is light


two worlds combine and become one

things are well for our two young lovers

life gets louder

their relationship grows and flows

and love is measured in their heartbeats


they move forward, see each other in the light

happy days, happy days, and all the same between

they find solace in small things

and their actions scream 


they fight over who stays and who goes

one of them cheats, the other leaves, a sick sad attempt at prose

the world is getting queiter

as their world tries to hide that it's splitting into two

a soli

now there is only one

dancing fingertips and the mournful voice of a sinner

lies escaping from lips, they didn't last until next winter

life breaks promises

and promises break lives

but it appears as a lonely song of each holding their own fights


the music swells. and the birds sing

the girl realizes maybe she was meant to be her own goddamn queen

the music has never sounded quite as full

her heart has been filled

and they find their ways for the pain to recede


a duet in the life of loss and love 

a song of finding yourself

perform your piece 

the world is your stage

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