Killer Queen, Killer Looks

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Take your vile words

I don't really need them

You think you're a princess

But really you're evil

Hair flowing down your back

A twinkle in your eye

How many of us have to die?

You wield your knife

You lace your dress

Another shining smile

Another man dead

You step in your heels

You step on my eye

How many men have to die?

They lived for you

They've died for you

Your rose handled dagger

Cuts their hearts in two

Younger men looking for their queen

You never had to be so mean

You laugh in a morbid tone

The look in your eyes is cold as stone

How many men have to die?

You mount your house

You fill the cemeteries

Your hair sparkles

Your crown shines

This is not what a leader is to be

How many men have to die?

The catacombs are filled

The churches are empty

Children going hungry

Hearts growing heavy

How many have to die?

They look you in your eyes

You sticks swords in their sides

These men will never love again

You've taken them from their lives

They seem expendable until they're gone

Then maybe you realize you've always been wrong

How many men have to die?

I'd kill them with kindness

Crooked nose

Lost cheekbones

Kiss their cheeks with every moment

Give them each a heart

Pray that they'd find it

Bony knees

Worn out teeth

Give them something to love

Give them something to live for

All these young men dream of is a home

They will each find one until I find mine

I'll unlock each ribcage

I'll open each locked door

I'll cover myself in anything to make me somebody else

But I am not the face you'd see wearing the crown

I am the ugly

I am the wench

Never mind the good I'd do

Crowns are given to those who shine

And I am but a dull rock

And she is a diamond

I am brown hair

She is bold and smiling

I am brown eyes

Hers are a vibrant green, warm and inviting

The killer queen with the killer looks

There will never be an ugly crown in the history books

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