My Dearest Regrets

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My dearest
You said before you fear the parts of me you do not know
Do not fret
Because as I write this and think
I know know the scariest part of my past was you

So eat every word of friendship you spewed
With a plastic fork and knife
Because not even your silverware was real when I was involved
And bite your nails down to stubs in worry
But don't let one nibble be about my current situation
It was you that made the present the past
My future tenses regarding our relationship now past tense
Now garbage
Now as dead as the possum on the side of the road near the cemetery your grandmothers buried in
Now as useless and obsolete as a pay phone

So you can pick through my scrapbooks
Judge each page of my past
Flip through my missing front teeth and drunken sorrows
But know at the end of the day
The biggest regret in my book is still you
If I could I'd take your arm from my shoulder
Wipe the smile off my face
And erase you from this scrapbook

But I can't
So I will fill these pages with beautiful things
And then more of them
Until I can flip past the pages of you without shame
Because there's so many better ones to look at
And I want nothing more then to tuck you away
A broken memory in all these photos of my life
So goodbye, and goodnight
Your story is over

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