Empty Spaces, Happy Faces

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When I'm with you I never feel like I owe you a sorry

A long winded apology

Because those have become my specialities

Spewing through my mouth as easily and softly as the common salutations

You don't expect me to be perfect in any way

You just sit and I talk

And you listen

And it makes me feel so much less alone

And we were not meant to be together

And that's my favorite part

We both accept that it will never grow past friends

And you deserve all the happiness in the world

And so do I and I thank you for giving me the chance to find it all

And I'll enter the world with you by my side

But a space in between us for the ones we truly love

And I cannot thank you enough for letting me be the piece of shit I am

For letting me text you four times in a row

For accepting my unnecessary hatred of capital letters

And for accepting me as your friend

Go find your happiness love

And I'll go find me

Thank you for the opportunity of you by my side

And I hope we each find someone to fill this empty air between us

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