the girl who couldnt love you in the right season

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I'm sorry that I loved you too late

We met in the heat of summer

Warm sun raining down us

Singing loud in your car with the windows

And young as we were summer didn't last long enough

And it was so easy to work with you

You made me feel invincible, and I made you feel fearless

So that summer came in  as heights, spiders, and waterfalls

But when autumn came we wasted away

And I found it was hard to love you, I was in a perpetual state of like

I couldn't stand to watch you love me

So I made you pack your bags

I hovered over the like button on each of your Instagram posts

You had a new girl the next week

I kept reminding myself I chose this

And yesterday I deleted your number

Two weeks ago I unfollowed you

I'm sorry I didn't love you until it was too late

I hope this at least offers you some solace

And I'm sorry that I love you now but in the heat of June I couldn't

Thank you for this wonderful summer

I've never wanted someone to smile at me so much across a campfire

You were silver

I only hope I didn't leave you tarnished

Sincerely Yours,

the girl who couldn't love you  in the summer

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