No Pieces

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I'm sick of having no pieces of myself

It seems like everybody else is holding a different chip

A different piece of who i am

And they're never arranged perfectly right

Always slightly out of order

And some of the chips betray the others

All my cards are on the table

Everyone is holding aces

I'm holding a joker less than one

And I feel like a joker

Because all these personalities aren't me

I'm not the same me with you as I am with him

And He's not the same with me as he is with you

And even those people with twos

With barely a piece of me

Still have more of me than I do myself

Because while you say my body is a temple

I don't feel I'm the one who owns it

Each holds a piece of property

Whether it be a nail

Or the very foundation

I don't even hold the other end to a screw

And I feel worthless

Because if I cannot even be myself

Then who can I be?

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