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Request from AsLongAsNiallsBottom

Zayn-19, Niall-18, Harry-18, Liam-18, Louis-18

It was a rainy Sunday and the boys were hanging out in Zayn and Nialls apartment. Zayn was visiting his mom and would be home within the next hour. The other four boys were currently sitting in the living room. 

Niall and Harry were having a conversation when Louis started laughing. 

"Oi lads! Looook what the rain brought innn," Louis laughed, picking up a stinkbug that had crawled onto the coffee table in front of him.

"Put it outside Lou," Niall mumbled eyeing the horrifying creature. 

"Awww is baby Niall afraid of the wittle bug," Louis cooed, inching closer to Niall.

"Shut the fuck up Louis and get it out of my apartment," Niall said, his patience was running thin, and to be honest the bug really scared him.

"Woah NiNi, you shouldn't use those words hun," Liam piped in, coming to look at the bug in Louis' hand.

"Whatever just please stop and kill the damn thing or put it outside," Niall mumbled.

"Guys, he said stop just leave him alone and we can watch a movie, and Niall, please don't use such language, you know how Zayn feels about that," Harry piped in.

Zayn was a very strict guy, and didn't like it when such nasty words came out of the pretty boys mouth.

"You hear that Li, Niallers gonna be in big trouble hmm," Louis teased, holding the bug out to Niall.

Niall jerked away and smacked Louis' arm.

"Guys stop I swear," Niall yelled, getting very worked up. You see, Niall was never good at controlling his emotions, and sometimes the anger took over.

"Louis, Liam, quit he's getting worked up," Harry said.

"Ah we're only messing around, lighten up," Liam said.

Then the worst thing that Niall thought could happen, happened. Louis threw the bug onto him.

Niall screamed and wacked the bug off his shirt. He practically burst into angery and scared tears.

"I HATE YOU TWO!" Niall screamed, his tears fell as his anger levels rose.

Niall grabbed his golf club from the corner of the room and chased the two, wacking them. Not hard seeing how he wasn't a very strong person, but enough to leave a bruise.

The two boys just laughed as Niall chased them, crying.

Harry got up to do break up the fight. "Niall STOP," Harry said. He grabbed the small boy and threw the golf club on the ground. He wrapped his arms tightly around the crying boy who was thrashing in his grip.

"Shh its okay, stop Niall calm down geez," Harry soothed.

Liam and Louis had stopped laughing and finally realized just how bothered the boy was. The guilt started to settle in for scaring him, but Niall had no right to hit them with a golf club.

Just then the front door opened and Zayn walked in to find the chaos of his home.



"ZAYNIE," Niall sobbed, breaking free of Harrys arms and crashing into Zayn.

Zayn rapped his arms around the blonde boy. "What the hell is going on huh?" Zayn asked, his eyebrows raised. 

"Lou-Louis and L-L-Liam were being mean and threw a bug on me and they wouldn't stoppp," Niall sobbed into his chest. Zayn rubbed his back soothingly.

"Lads is this true?" Zayn asked, eyeing the two.

"Yes but we were only messing with him, he got all pissed and started cussing at us and hit us with a golf club," Louis said. 

Zayn gasped, shocked that Niall would do such a thing. "NIALL HORAN," Zayn fumed. 

"NO ZAYN LISTEN IT'S THERE FAULT!" Niall sobbed, clutching onto Zayn. 


"Yes sir," Niall mumbled. 

"I said do you understand?" Zayn repeated.

"Yes sir I'm sorry. Sorry Liam, sorry Louis," Niall said. 

"Good," Zayn said hugging him back. He understood what had happened, but that didn't make it okay.

"As for you two," Zayn sighed, "You need to be more understanding and respect peoples' boundaries. I understand you were messing with him but that wasn't okay he was clearly worked up and upset. Do you understand?" Zayn said, rocking the shaking boy in his arms. 

"Yes sir we understand," Liam said. "Sorry NiNi."

"Yeah we're sorry Niall," Louis said.

"S'okay just didn't like it. I shouldn't have hit you," Niall responded, drying his tears.

The boys had a group hug and all was forgiven. The rest of the day was spent with cuddles and movies.


AHHH I hope this turned out okay. Thank you for the idea! Please send more requests. 


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