Finding You (Short Story Part 1)

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What the fuck am I doing? Niall thought as he ran further and further away from his home. He was in some deep shit. You see, his parents were never good people, and for thirteen years, the small boy had endured the torture of his drunk father, while his mother stood by and watched.

Today however, all hell broke loose. He had smashed a plate, and his dad was going to kill him. Niall wasn't sure how he was running so fast, he assumed it was the adrenaline. He was bruised and bloody, a long gash cut down his arm from the glass his father threw at him.

Niall couldn't take it anymore, he ran and ran. He had no idea where he was going. Tears blinded his vision as he chocked on sobs.

Suddenly, he turned a corner and ran straight into a tall muscular figure. The small boy fell backwards onto the ground.

"What the hell, watch were you're going," the man said.

"Sorry, M'sorry, so sorry," Niall gasped out.

The man turned around to see who had ran into him. He was surprised to see a tiny sobbing boy on the ground. "Woah woah woah, calm down buddy. No harm done."

"Pl-please do-don't hurt mee," Niall sobbed, gasping for air.

"Aww calm down buddy, I'm not gonna hurt you," the man said, squatting down in front of the small boy.

"Don't, n-no, I gotta, I gotta g-g-go. H-h-he's gonna kill me, I'm sorry. Don't hurt me," the thirteen year old wailed.

"Hey hey shhh, calm down baby, take some breathes. In and out," the man said.

After what seemed like a lifetime, Niall was able to take a real breath. He immediately exploded into a fresh set of tears.

"Okay, you're okay. My names Liam, what's your name buddy? Calm down," Liam said.

"M'Niall, and M'thirteen" The boy responded.

"Okay Niall, what a pretty name hmmm. Calm down for me yeah. You said he's gonna kill you? Who's gonna kill you bud, who hurt you?" Liam asked.

"M-my dad, can't take it anymore Liam, I-I gotta go," Niall said, standing up on shaky legs.

The thirteen year old blonde was so tiny, he looked to be about eight. His head reached to Liams chest.

"Do you have any place to go?" Liam asked.

"No, no I don't know. He's gonna come Liam I need to go," Niall whined.

"Alright, you know what you're coming with me. It's okay, I live with three of my friends. We can keep you safe, come on lets go," Liam said, reaching his hand out for the small boy.

Niall hesitantly took the older lads hand, and let himself be led by Liam.

His tears had stopped and now he was terrified. He didn't know this man. Why was he allowing this to happen? Niall stopped abruptly and was trembling with fear. He couldn't trust this man.

Liam felt Niall stop behind him and his hand slip out of his grasp. He turned around to see Niall was trembling with fear, his eyes wide and alert. "What's wrong Niall?"

"I-I don't know you, I-I don't know you. I can't be with you. You're gonna hurt me," Niall said, eyes brimmed with tears.

Liam felt his heart break and squatted down so he was eye level with the tiny boy. "I know baby and that's okay, alright this must all be so scary for you, but I want to help you and so will my friends. I'm not that scary I promise. I'm eighteen, still a kid like you, that's not so scary. I promise I won't hurt you."

Niall glanced up and saw the gentleness in Liams eyes. He could tell the older boy was telling the truth. He decided to trust him, no one had ever been so nice and gentle towards him before. Niall flung himself at Liam and wrapped his arms around his neck, hugging the boy with all his might. Liam was gonna help.

"Thank you," Niall mumbled.

"That's alright kid, that's all right," Liam replied.



After some more walking, the two boys arrived to what seemed to be a small warehouse. Niall looked at Liam wearily. Liam smiled a reassuring smile down at the boy, and for a second, all Nialls worry vanished. Liam was gonna help. He hoped his friends were nice too.


Long time no update. I hope you are all doing well 

Thank you for your patience


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2021 ⏰

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