Blame it on me chapter 6

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When Dad and Pops told Hitoshi he was going to get a brother, he was overly excited. He loved their family and couldn't help but cherish the idea of having someone his age to share it with. Someone who would look at him as his dads did. Someone who wouldn't tense up when he talked to them after finding out about his quirk because if he had a brother, he would know Hitoshi wasn't trying to hurt anyone.

Hitoshi never had siblings, but he always wanted at least one. Maybe a big brother who would be brave and strong and would stand up for him, or someone his age, who he could spend time with as an equal. He would care for a smaller sibling, too, who could look up to him. He imagined having siblings was like living with friends. His fathers didn't tell him much about Katsuki or how he ended up in an orphanage, so Hitoshi mostly relied on his imagination. His dads told him Katsuki would be just as nervous when meeting him as he felt and he was supposed to make him feel welcome. The issue was that his expectations regarding a brother were apparently not in touch with reality.

When he first glanced Katsuki, he thought he looked scary and came off as if he was already angry with him without even getting as far as saying hi. Then it turned out he was not at all friendly or at the very least cooperative. When Hitoshi realized Katsuki was incredibly uncomfortable in the livinv room, he offered him to hang out in his room as a try to help him feel more comfortable, because that's what brothers did, right?

He didn't expect Katsuki to try to ditch him immediately after reaching the top of the stairs, neither to get pushed and fall to the floor. Then, only for a split second, something flashed through the angry blond's features that Hitoshi couldn't help but recognize. Katsuki was scared. He was like a cornered animal trying his best to appear as dangerous as possible while spat unnecessary insults at him.

Hitoshi understood his fear from a point. He remembered being scared for so long. He would never forget what it was like to live like that. Something painful spiked his chest as he watched Katsuki from the floor, realizing he appeared way too familiar from that certain angle. He stood back up and watched Katsuki back away cautiously, then he spoke softly:

"I won't tell. It's nothing."

He watched the blond close the door and stood there for a few seconds, somehow knowing Katsuki was waiting for him to leave right on the other side of the door.

Having a brother wasn't like he imagined it would be but seeing the same fear flash through Katsuki that he used to feel gave him a sense of hope. Not really hope... he just understood there was more to that sour patch than what he found out through their brief first meeting.

The part of himself he saw in Katsuki made him think he already knew him. If they were somehow the same, Hitoshi simply had to give Katsuki what he got from his... their parents. He remembered wanting to feel secure, wanting to be loved, wanting to be cared for.

Almost a whole week passed since Katsuki moved in with them and Hitoshi realized he might have been wrong about his similarities with him. That fear he saw during their first encounter seemed to seize to exist or maybe it wasn't even there to begin with. Katsuki rejected every single one of his tries to be friendly and rather locked himself up in his room than to have to spend time with the family. He started looking angrier with each day passing by and never looked at anyone with any other emotion than hatred and wrath. He even refused to eat with them, wear the clothes they bought him or to get anything else from them when they tried to convince him that his room needed some upgrades.

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