Changes 2

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In case the flashback is familiar, it's the same memory Katsuki thinks back to in chapter 7 of Blame It On Me, but with more detail.

Katsuki walked home alone after school, successfully leaving that idiot Deku behind after their last class for the day was over. He strolled to the front door and pushed down the handle only for it to not move. His parents' car was parking in front of the house, letting him know at least one of them was home. Katsuki didn't have his own key, they said he didn't need one because he wasn't old enough to be responsible for such things.

Katsuki kept wondering when they would deem him old enough, since they were away for vacation during his tenth birthday last month, and they haven't talked about it yet, and Katsuki was concerned they forgot he was ten already since they missed his birthday last year as well. He never got around to mention it to his mom, though. She's been especially snappy ever since they arrived back. To ask his dad about it, Katsuki would have to have a moment alone with him, maybe a conversation, but his dad hadn't been interested in talking to him in the past few months, so that was out of the question.

He stepped back from the door, knowing his parents knew he came home at the same time on every school day. They locked the door for a reason, and he would not stand around and let the neighbors see he was locked out again. He turned down the street towards the forest to take a walk, maybe do his homework there. At least he didn't have to endure his hag screaming for no reason, even if he had to sleep outside again.

As he took another turn, he bumped into a mop of green hair. He didn't budge as Deku was tossed back by the force of their bodies crashing together. God fucking damn it, he was so weak it hurt to observe.

"Tch. Watch where you're going, Deku." He grumbled as he walked past the idiot, hoping he wouldn't follow. But he always did.

"Kacchan?" He heard from behind, and he could feel the shivers running down his spine as he realized he was fucked.

"Kacchan! Wait up!" Deku caught up to him at the next corner. "Where are you going? I thought you went home..."

"Mind your damn business, stupid nerd." Katsuki groaned, hunching in on himself, trying to work up an excuse. He didn't need Deku of all people to know the pathetic reason he couldn't go home. That idiot started walking beside him with clearly no intention to leave him alone for a change.

"Hey— uh, do you want to come over? I'm sure my mom wouldn't mind." Deku gave him that knowing look again. He fucking knew what was up, and he was riding on his fucking high horse anew, rubbing in the fact he had a key to his own home and Katsuki didn't. That look in his eyes was humiliating, degrading, belittling. He felt sorry for him. Pitied him.

Nothing made Katsuki more furious than that. He showed the nerd aside and quickened his steps, hoping to get rid of him for the day. He didn't want to deal with those feelings today. Or any day. "Stop following me!"

Not implying even a hint of a challenge for Deku to take, Katsuki could not understand why he was still being followed, but he could turn that to his advantage. If Deku made this a competition, Katsuki was to win. Changing his route, Katsuki took his way to Deku's place instead with that idiot doing his best to catch up to him, yet he only had the chance once Katsuki stopped at a crosswalk. Deku came in clutch, with the grace of a newborn deer, and as he caught up to him, he tripped and launched himself off the fucking pavement. Katsuki caught him by the top handle of his backpack before he could step in front of a car, and he yanked him back next to himself.

"What the fuck are you doing, idiot?" Katsuki yelled at him, still holding his backpack tightly, even though he wasn't in immediate danger anymore.

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