Blame it on me chapter 11

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This whole chapter is a flashback and starts from the day before Katsuki was taken from his parents, then ends at Katsuki's first night in his new home.

Katsuki was exhausted and hungry. He was dealing with a headache all damn day and his mom had been standing above him, screaming at him for the past half hour. He was rather frustrated than afraid, which was the worst decision he could have made that day. Katsuki was cutting up onions for the curry, but the third blow to the back of his head forced him to hunch forward, and he cut his pointing finger with the knife.

"Why the fuck are you so slow, useless brat? I don't have all day—" His mom screamed at him and Katsuki's blood boiled within a second, then he was shouting before he could stop himself.

"I'm fucking slow because you keep fucking hitting me!"

His mom blinked in shock and his finger was fucking bleeding as tears stung Katsuki's fucking eyes, and he could hear his dad threatening lowly by saying his name and what he yelled next slipped out with no thoughts behind it.


"Shut up, you clown!"

The entire room fell silent and the tension in the air was so thick, Katsuki wouldn't be able to breathe even if he wasn't completely frozen. His dad locked eyes with him as put his mug down on the counter and at the moment he took a step towards him, Katsuki found his words again.

"I'm sorry, I—" The sturdy hand grabbing him by the neck robbed him of air in a second and his dad manhandled him against the wall hard enough to hit his head into it. His hands flew up to his dad's arm as his legs were lifted off the ground. He gasped for air with no result as his tears broke out of his eyes.

"That is not how you speak in this house, son." He heard his dad's utterly calm voice, but his sight was blurry and darkening because of the lack of oxygen. He started squirming and his palms started heating up as his body fought to get some air in. His ears started ringing as his vision went black, then the next thing he registered to was collapsing to the ground, choking and coughing uncontrollably.

He curled in on himself, shaking and wheezing and drowning in his tears as he could hear his dad from above: "Grab your coat, honey. We're going out."

After another wave of coughing, Katsuki's vision was back, and he realized he was on the floor of the kitchen. A fistful of his hair was grabbed and his head was pulled upwards to see the blurry, over saturated picture of his father above himself.

"The kitchen better be spotless by the time we get back, clear?"

"Y-yes, sir." Katsuki whispered through his tears and his head was let go. He could hear the front door shutting closed before he passed out on the cold tiles of the kitchen floor.

Katsuki's voice was strained even the next day, and a throbbing bruise decorated his neck that he couldn't hide with the collar of his uniform turned up as high as possible. He was shaking all day and his heart was messing with him, threatening to jump out of his chest with each unevenly paced beat Katsuki was hyper fixated on.

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