048. kinda possessive?

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 xlviii||kinda possessive?

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xlviii||kinda possessive?

"Why would you say that?" Stan groans as him, Regulus and Alyssa sit in the two boys dormitory, Alyssa on one of the spare beds whilst Stan bangs his head against the chair at the desk. Regulus is lay back on his bed with Maria's copy of 'Romeo & Juliet' resting open on his stomach as he lies there looking up at the ceiling with a numb expression.

"What else was I supposed to say, Stanley?" Regulus huffs, sitting up and Alyssa throws a liquorice wand at him making him let out a loud 'ow'.

"Maybe not that she couldn't save you." Alyssa says slowly. "Think about how that made Maria feels." Regulus sighs and prepared for a lecture. "You basically told her that she didn't help you whatsoever, out of a situation that has bothered you for a long time — your family — therefore she probably feels like she failed you."

"She didn't though." Regulus breathes, lying back again. "She makes me the happiest I've ever been, and her eyes. . ."

"Shit, mate, you're fully whipped." Stan says and Regulus rolls his eyes, snapping out of his daze. "It's like, when I think about a girlfriend, I think about sex."

"I think about sex!" Regulus argues and Alyssa sighs, going back to her reading.

"Yeah, but this — what you have with her, that's different. It's like—you and Maria—you just fit together, hey!" Stan says when he notices Regulus zoning out with a dazed face. "You're thinking about sex right now aren't you?"

". . .yeah." Regulus admits and Stan rolls his eyes.

"Okay, well when you've stopped fantasising over blowing Maria's back out—let me know and you can tell me all about it." Stan winks and puts on some headphones, making Alyssa roll her eyes as she flips her page.

"Seriously though, Reg." Alyssa says over her book. "She's special, you can't just fuck her off because of some bitch your marrying next year."

"I know, she doesn't want me anymore, Lyssa." Regulus sighs, rubbing his eyes to prevent tears. "What's even the point—we graduate in like a year and then I'll be getting married to Rebecca bloody Barnes!"

"She's always gonna want you." Alyssa states, closing her book loudly making Stan jump as he takes off his headphones. "You just have to prove you want her, there's a party tomorrow yeah? Room of Requirement, ten o'clock. She'll be there."

"The last time we went to a party, Regulus ended up snogging Barnes and Maria snogged the other one—"

"Have you done the astronomy?" Alyssa asks loudly over Stan's words and he looks at her as if asking whether he'd said it out loud.

Regulus pauses for a second before shaking his head with a sigh, "I can't."

"What do you mean?" Stan asks, putting his headphones on his bedside table.

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