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We left the restaurant at around ten o'clock, and my Dad left to go home. We wondered over to Times Square, swinging our held hands dramatically causing weird looks casted upon us. We just laughed when suddenly I felt myself being lifted up and was soon in Luke's arms as he nuzzled his head into my neck.

"What are you doing Lukey?" I laughed into his hair.

"I want to hold you one last time in 2014." He replied as he started running.

"No. No running." I squealed whilst moving up and down in his arms. "Please stop it, I'm going fall!"

"It's okay I got baby, I won't ever let you fall." He told me slowing down, kissing my cheek. He put me down gently before taking my hand in his again.

Soon we saw the bright lights of Times Square. His face looked as lit up as it itself. You could feel a vibe of excitement all around the place. His smile was as wide as the sea that had separated us for so long. I couldn't help but take a picture of him on my phone, his look of complete happiness.

"This is so perfect, just like you." He said in a almost whisper.

"It's so beautiful isn't it, not like me." I replied nudging him.

"You're perfect to me." He told me with a grin on his face.

The ball dropping and the fireworks were only a few minutes away and you could feel the buzz of everything going on around you, electricity running through your body. There were people everywhere but for once in my life I wasn't scared of them, embarrassed for myself, I was happy because I was with Luke.

As the countdown started I felt Luke's hand on my cheek and him move my head to face him. His hand gently graced my skin leaving behind a tingly feeling at every touch. His blue eyes were staring right into mine with a look of pure love.

I heard the scream of hundreds upon thousands of people and the sound of fireworks as the clock struck twelve, only for my lips to be connected to his creating fireworks of my own. My hands were running through his hair as he deepened the kiss, his fingers caressing my cheeks. He pulled away then grabbed something from his pocket. I saw him get down on one knee and hold a small box out.

"Alicia Dee-Connell, I love you so much and I know we are still young but when we are older I promise to marry you and carry on making you happy till the day I die, this ring is a promise ring to show you that even when I have to go back to Australia that am still there with you and I still love you with all my heart. Baby you are my universe, but I am only a small star in you." He told me.

I held my hand out and he gently put the ring on my finger then kissed my hand. He stood and pulled me into him as he kissed me again.

One day you will find kiss someone and in that moment you know those are the lips you want to kiss for the rest of your life. I felt millions of things click on my body when I kissed him, like all my little broken parts would stick back together.

"Lukey, you are a whole damn galaxy to me." I told pressing my nose against his smiling.

He took my hand and kissed it gently then held it has we watched the fireworks.

"Oh yeah, happy new year cutie."

When we got home after the ball dropping neither of us could go to sleep. We went upstairs and put one onesies on then grabbed a blanket.

As I decided a movie Luke made popcorn and hot chocolate. I couldn't help but laugh when Luke came in with his penguin onesie on, whilst carrying our food. I decided on This Is Us as this is kind of our movie, the people from it brought us together.

We cuddled on the sofa with the popcorn in between us, feeding each other. I couldn't help but cry during Little Things as so many things related to me. Luke chuckled as he wiped my damp eyes, kissing my nose.

When Luke thought I was asleep I felt him kiss my head and whisper, "You are my sunshine, I can't bare to leave you knowing I might not come back."

He played with my hair until him and me fell asleep, our hearts beating in time.

"Wake up Alicia, it's snowing!" Luke whisper shouted in my ear.

I groaned and sat up. I was surrounded by blankets and cushions which Luke must of got when it started snowing.

"Can we go outside in it, please, we never get snow?" He begged doing puppy eyes.

"Coffee. Strong coffee, I'm not leaving without coffee." I demanded.

"Yes ma'am, then can we?" He asked smiling cutely.

"Yes." I replied also smiling.

"Yay, love you cutie." He giggled skipping into the kitchen.

He came back holding two steaming cups of coffee, and handed me one.

"I'm taking you ice skating today." I told after having a sip of my drink.

"Really? Yay." He cheered happily.

After our coffee we went and got ready. I put my black jeans, my burgundy sweater and put big fluffy giraffe socks on. I put my hair up in a messy ponytail and grabbed my coat and gloves. I was met downstairs by a well wrapped up Luke wearing a massive penguin jumper, a scarf, gloves and a big wooly hat.

I was used to cold walks around New York whereas Luke felt he'd just walked into a freezer. We helps hands and I could feel his shaking against the cold.

"How aren't you cold?" He asked teeth chattering.

"I'm used to getting up early in the morning and walked to school to avoid people" I replied slightly laughing at his behaviour.

"This is absolutely horrible I want no part in New York winters, it's summer in Australia." He groaned.

"Just c'mon, you wanted to." I smiled then picked up a lump of snow and threw it at him.

"You little." He shouted as it hit him, also running to make a snowball.

By the time we reached the ice rink we were drenched in the now melting snow with massive smiles on our faces.

We put the ice skates on then attempted to skate.

Luke was absolutely rubbish falling over everywhere. I couldn't help but laugh as he struggled to stand up continually. When Luke managed to skate round for a whole lap I gave him a quick kiss of encouragement which made him immediately more eager.

As we were skating round he stopped and grabbed my two hands. "I love you."

I heard him say it last night but saying it then made my heart hurt, "Don't be stupid."

"Don't call me stupid, I can't help finding everything about you so fascinating and all your flaws perfect. It kind of just happened." He told me then kissed me passionately.

He is everything to me.

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