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I so badly want to meet Alicia. She is my love, but she doesn't know it. I want to hug her and actually feel her lips on mine, I want to hold her and tell her everything is going to be okay, but most of all I want to just touch her and tell her she's mine.

Lukey: I wanna meet you so bad :(((((

Lissy: Same but I live so far away and Christmas is coming up so everyone is busy ;(

In that moment I had an idea. My whole family goes to my Aunts for New year and my parents know much I despise little seven year olds running round the place, and my Uncle's rule: No children under eighteen drinking.

Maybe I could go to New York on the 28th and spent New year with Alicia, if she's not doing anything. We could go to Times Square and watch the ball drop and kiss and Midnight, and I get to meet her.

I thought about this for a long time before confronting my parents. I hoped they said yes, but I would understand if they said no.

"Mum, Dad can I talk to you about an idea I had." I told them from the living room.

They both came in, my Mum a tea-towel in her hands from washing up.

"What's on your mind son?" My Dad asked concerned.

"You know every year we go to Aunt Sue's house for New year, well I was wondering if I could go to New York and watch the ball drop with Alicia." I mumbled, silencing hoping they'd say yes.

"I don't see why not, you're nearly eighteen, but we'd have to arrange transport and accommodation for you." My Mum replied.

I think my eyes just popped out of my head, I might be going to New York.

"You haven't told her you're going, have you?" My Dad asked. "As we may not be able to get everything sorted."

I shook my head, "No I was actually planning on surprising her there."

My Mum smiled at me softly. "We will do our best love."

I got up and hugged her because I couldn't really comprehend what is happening.

I was beyond excited to go and I needed to tell people, so I invited Michael and Calum over.

When they arrived we went straight up to my room to play on my Xbox.

"Guys I'm not going to my Aunt and Uncle's party anymore. I'm so happy." I told bursting with excitement.

"Where you going then?" Michael asked, seeing as I always go to their house for the party.

"New York." I told them smiling.

"With your parents?" Calum questioned confused.

"No I'm going by myself and I'm going to spend New year with Lissy." I said happily. "I want it to be a surprise, but how can I make her go to an airport with her getting suspicious?"

"She likes One Direction right?" Michael asked.


"Then tell her that the boys are there and tell the the terminal block then surprise her that way." Michael continued.

That's not a bad idea. I thought about it for a while, it's not actually that bad.

"Which promise ring should I get her?" I asked Calum stressing out.

"I don't know!" Calum nearly shouted getting frustrated.

I decided to get her a promise ring to give to her on New year. We are only seventeen but I love her so much and I honestly want to spend the rest of my life together, and no one else. She deserves so much more than she has and I want to show her true love.

"This is the one!" I shouted excitedly jumping up and down.

Everyone was staring at me, a seventeen year old boy jumping around in Pandora.

"Aw it's beautiful mate." Calum said from behind.

"It's perfect." I told him smiling like an idiot.

I called over a worker who smiled and made her way over. I pointed to the ring, she nodded and took it out the glass container.

"$270 dollars please." She asked me politely.

I took out the money I had saved up from my Saturday job, running news papers to every house in my town.

"Thank you." She said as she wrapped it up so nicely.

"Thank you so much." I said to her as she handed me the bag.

We walked out into the hot summer air, sweating almost as soon as we did. We walked down to the beach front and sat just so that the waves hit our toes. The sun was setting and I looked so beautiful, like watercolours running down a pink canvas.

How I wish that Alicia was here to see this, even though it happens everyday. Some people forget about the little things like the sun setting, because they are too caught up in the big things to remember the miracles that happen right in front of you.

"What are you thinking about mate?" Calum asked.


"What about her?" Calum questioned, clearly interested.

"How much she'd like to see this sunset."

"Sunsets happen everyday, everywhere what's so special about this one?"

"I know but living in New York the sun never really does go down does it? The lights are still blaring at 3am when the sun is asleep, so the sun kind of gets lost behind a whole sky full of artificial lights."

"I actually know what you mean, like Australia is so quiet compared to the constant hustle of New York we are lucky."

I laid on my back and looked up at the now appearing stars, their pure beauty shining through the black gaps of the sky.

And how I wished Alicia could see this.


Sorry that this chapter was a filler chapter thingy but the ring is important ;))))

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