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She's been my queen since- I threw my phone across the room, not wanting to accept that today is another day I have to survive through. I slowly got off my bed retrieving my phone, that and my laptop being the most important thing to me. I placed it in the pocket of my trusty hoodie along with my earphones, then started getting dressed; an oversized Nirvana t-shirt; my ripped black jeans; my hoodie; and my bracelets. I made my way downstairs only to find my Dad passed out, in a drunken state on the couch. I put Advil and a glass of water on the counter for him, knowing that's what he'll need. I shoved my notebook into my bag, put my earphones, and walked out to get Starbucks, then catch the bus, letting the world around me disappear.

At the bus stop I stood awkwardly whilst everyone else chatted to their friends, silently cursing my social anxiety. When the bus came I was shoved to the back, letting everyone in front, standing a bit away to save myself. When I finally got on and found an available seat, the bus headed to school. On the way I heard a several insults thrown at me, trying to ignore them but failing, soon my scars started itching.

I sat through my classes ready to leave immediately, no one would notice if I left anyway. I hate all aspects of school, all the humiliating grades, all the homework, the stress the teachers put you through on a daily basis, but most of all the people I'm not being rude but everyone is so judgmental, you can't do the slightest thing without being called out, and I hate it.

When I got home I decided to start up a Tumblr account, I heard girls at school talking about it, having your own blog? I opened up the tab on my laptop and read through it. It looked cool, but I wanted to keep it a secret from everyone, my get away.

I clicked join and filled in the information. I put 'LissyStyles' as my username, not wanting people from school finding out about it. Yes I love One Direction, but no one at school knows that they think I'm the quiet, depressed girl, which I am but those five idiots are my sunshines.

It asked me my interests were and I typed in one direction, harry styles, and animals and it came up with blogs to follow.

As I followed them pictures started popping up on my dash, grinning seeing the selection.

I saw it said I should add an icon, I scrolled through my saved pictures until I found the perfect one of Harry, although they are all perfect, and saved it. Then I saw a description box and filled it in as accurately has possible.

Lissy: Stressed, depressed, Harry Styles obsessed.

Soon I had a nice theme as well with cute gifs and pictures of all the boys, making me smile.

I had gained like 10 followers and I was genuinely happy people liked my pictures. People were commenting cute things on some of my posts and it made me feel like I actually belonged somewhere.

On here they accept you for who you are. They don't think you're weird for having obsessions with band members, in fact they know what it's like, and I liked that.

AN: Hey guys this is the first chapter of my new Luke fanfic.

I know joining Tumblr isn't how I described it, but its for the storys sake.

Alicia is from New York and Luke Australia, I know it would be impossible for them to talk because time differences but its fiction. Whatever.

Enjoy :)

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