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It was tomorrow that I was flying to finally see Lissy. My parents bought me the plane ticket for Christmas, my favourite present. No one else in the family knew I was going as World War III would break out, because it's 'family tradition' to go to the stupid party.

Lissy: It's tomorrow! I'm so excited :)) x

Luke: I knowwwww ;)

I need to pack. I got out my suitcase and started throwing random articles of clothing into it. As I was looking through my wardrobe I found my old varsity from when I actually played football. I decided I was going to give it to Lissy as it says 'Hemmings' on the back so everyone will know she's mine.

Calum and Michael came round to help me sort out the rest of my packing, them knowing more about foreign countries than I do considering I've not left the country before.

"What time will you land?" Calum asked.

"About ten o'clock their time." I replied whilst putting the Pandora bag at the bottom of my case.

"Have you told her that? Or does she know telepathically to come at ten?" Michael said semi-sarcastically.

"Damn, I need to tell her." I suddenly realised.


I messaged her quickly.

Lissy: I was going to ask you that but I forgot although thankssssss x

Lissy: I'm really excited even though they might not even be there :))))))

Lukey: I'm so excited for you too ;)))))

"For God sake Luke get off your phone." Michael said grabbing it.

"Sorry." I whined trying to grab it back.


I realised that I had no way of getting to the airport. My Dad cannot drive and even if he could I wouldn't trust him, not like I do anyway. I remember talking to Adam and him giving me his number, he has a car.

I hesitantly rang his number, three rings before he picked up.

"Hi Alicia! Are you okay?" He asked cheerfully.

"Uh, yeah. I was wondering if you could help me a bit." I replied nervously.

"Yeah of course, what do you need?" He said.

"Well tomorrow I have to go to the airport for ten o'clock, but I have no way of getting there and I know you have a car and can drive so I thought." I rambled on.

"Yeah sure, why?" He asked curiously.

"Because my boyfriend told me that One Direction might be there, and I don't want to miss out even if they're not." I told him, thinking he'd think I was weird.

"You have a boyfriend, why can't he take you?" He questioned confused.

"Well he's not really the closest person ever." I said subtly.

"What do you mean?"

"He lives in Australia."

"Oh wow. How does he know they are going to be there?"

"I'm not sure to be honest but I want to go just to make him happy."

"Don't you think he might be there? He just happens to know exactly what airport they're going to be at on that exact day."

"I haven't really thought about it much."

"I don't really know but he might be."

"I suppose."

"Listen, do you wanna go out for coffee?" He suddenly asked.

"Um... Sure? At the Boho Café?"

"Yeah, be there in ten minutes."

"I'll try, bye."


I walked as swiftly as I could to the café to find Adam sitting on one of the sofas.

I headed towards him a smile on my face.

"Hi." I said awkwardly.

"Hello fine companion, how are you on this cold December morning?" He asked.

"I'm okay, but coffee would help" I replied smiling.

"Of course, what can I get you?" He asked in a posh voice.

"Just a coffee for me please." I answered sitting down on the sofa.

Soon he came back with two steamy cups of hot beverages. He handed me mine and I immediately to a sip of the drink, the warmth filling my body.

We spent the whole afternoon there and I throughly enjoyed this side of him that no one else knew, our little secret. The side of him that talks about music as if it's a person, the side of him that doesn't judge anyone's opinions instead takes them into consideration and sees why they think that, the side that is hidden by a facade of popularity and self confidence, my side of him.

And I'm glad it's my side.

AN: I'm sorry this chapter is so rubbish I want to hit myself with a brick but I couldn't really think of anything.

Please keep being awesome and voting and commenting :)))


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