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I honestly don't think I've ever felt so much love for a girl than I have for Alicia, even though she's on the other side of the world. She never fails to bring a smile to my face she has that affect on me, but she doesn't see that. She doesn't see all she's worth and how much she means to me, all she sees it what the bullies have shown her for so long: hatred for herself, someone who's weak, someone who's ugly; she's none of those things but she doesn't know it, she doesn't know how beautiful she is, how strong she is for someone so young, but most of all she doesn't know how to love herself.

I would find myself thinking about her during school and often my friends would call me out for it, its like she's a little shadow in my mind; always there.

Friday is definitely my favourite day of the week as it is a a reassurance of the weekend.

I got out of bed, well fell out of bed, and got dressed. I wasn't the brightest of dressers but that kind of made me different than everyone else at school in their varsity jackets, I do own one but I never wear it. I pulled a beanie on not really like my hair and rushed out the door to begin my walk to school.

When I arrived I was greeted by multiple girls practically throwing themselves at me, which I shook off not really into sluts. My closest friends were waiting outside the form room waiting till I came like everyday, except today they looked different.

"Why the long faces? It's Friday?" I asked them, when I reached them.

"Well it might be Friday, but you might not being seeing daylight till Monday." Calum spoke.

"What, why?" I asked curiously, not sure why they were telling me this.

"You know the party last Friday yeah, well the police found out there were drugs, and apparently their yours." Michael mumbled.

Jake's party. I didn't even go, how could they be my drugs?

"Yeah Miss Pane is asking everyone about it, but I think the principal wants to talk to you." Calum continued.

Soon after I heard foot steps coming towards us, Mr Putt.

"Ah Luke, just the person I was looking for. I'm sure your friends told you what is going on," He spoke in a posh voice. "To my office please."

I sent a small smile to Calum and Michael, then slowly followed him.

Soon we walked in his office. It was bleak with only a photo of his family and a dying plant on his desk, not very welcoming.

"So Luke do you want to tell me why you are here?" He asked me.

"I'm not sure Sir, but apparently something happened at a party last Friday." He replied, not really sure of what to say.

"I think you know very well what happened at the party last week, tell me." He half shouted.

"Sir I didn't go to the party last week, I was busy." I told him truthfully.

"Then why were your drugs there?" He questioned, rising from his seat pointing his finger at me.

Suddenly anger filled my body, causing me to jump to my feet. "Sir I do not know what you want me to say, I didn't go to that party I have better things to do then spend my night surrounded my drunk teenagers only to regret it in the morning, and they were not my drugs because quite frankly I don't have or do drugs, sorry I'm not the right person." I shouted before walking out.

I walked straight for the canteen, then got a soda from the vending machine and sat down. I got out my phone to see if I had a message from Lissy.

Lissy: Why is New York so cold and why don't i own a jacket? X

Lukey: I don't know, maybe I should warm you up ;) x

Lissy: Oh so smooth dork x

Lukey: Actually I'm popular, and may or may not being getting told off any minute :( x

That is actually true, I am popular, purely because I can kick a ball. Popularity is stupid; but sometimes it feels good especially when you win a game of football for your team, but it's my Dad's dream not mine.

Then Michael and Calum came running in, and sat down opposite to me.

"How was the talk?" Michael asked out of breath.

"Eh I walked out." I shrugged. My phone binging saying I had a message.

"You did what?" Calum said whilst spitting out my soda.

"Doesn't matter." I said looking at my phone.

Lissy: Ooh get you Mr Popularity ;) x

I laughed which made Calum and Michael raise their eyebrows.

"Who you texting?" Michael asked.

"Doesn't matter." I reply.

Suddenly my phone is snatched from my hand and is in Calum's, who is scrolling through my messages.

"Who's Cutie?" Calum questioned, suspicious.

"Oh just a girl I know." I told them.

"Dude you are seriously flirting with her." Calum said. "You're so cute I wanna throw up."

"Where is she from?" Michael asked.

"She's not from around here." I told them, not really wanting to say.

"Where then?" Calum asked confused.

"It really doesn't matter, can we just drop it." I pleaded.

They nodded their heads reluctantly, although a couple of minutes later they were talking about football.

Lukey: Sorry cutie my friends kinda saw the messages so I can't talk to you now :(

And I really miss her.

AN: We have Luke's POV bc we need to know wtf Luke is thinking about Lissy :)

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