twenty five // Epilogue

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I sat on the plane next to the window and Lacey. Luke was sat on the other side of her holding her small hand. It was her first time going to New York after me and Luke moved to Australia, for his work a year before she was born. Luke decided to take us to New York for New Year, we were staying in the Waldorf Astoria a place I've been dying to go to since I was young.

For so long I thought I'd never get anywhere in life, I doubted I'd even make it to being an adult. I thought no one would ever love me, who could love a girl with scars? But I realised, someone will fall in love with you. Your flaws, scars, someone will. They'll love you for you. They'll know what you look like when you're tired, happy, sad, angry. They know what music you like, how you like your coffee. They'll fall in love with you. No one else, just you. Maybe you haven't met them yet, but there's someone out there wondering what you're like. And I met mine, Luke.

I met him when I wasn't even thinking about my future, especially not with him and a daughter. When the only people keeping me alive were a band and him. But because of him I actually have a life, a family.

The plane was coming into landing a Lacey was bubbling with excitement. She was literally as Luke's fans called her 'the ultimate love child', basically because she is the spitting image of both Luke and I. She had Luke's laugh and smile, but my eyes and shyness.

The lady across from us looked at Luke, looking confused. "I know you from somewhere, I just can't remember where." She told Luke.

"Well I'm in a band if that helps." Luke suggested equally confused as I was.

"No, no it's not that." She said thinking hard. "I remember, we were sat next to each other on a plane to New York about three years ago, you were talking about giving a ring to your girlfriend."

I still was confused but Luke looked as though he suddenly remembered as well.

"Yes, remember? Is this her?" She asked pointing to me.

"Yes, yes it is. This is Alicia and this is our daughter Lacey." He smiled proudly.

"Are you married?" She questioned.

"No..." I replied, although Luke leaned over and whispered something to her, resulting in her smiling as well.

Lacey gasped as she leaned over me to see out the window, we were lowering to meet the ground causing her to get very excited. She grabbed hold of my hand and smiled like an idiot. Soon Luke stopped talking to the lady and joined in with Lacey's excitement, pointing out different places we can go causing Lacey to near squeal with happiness.

When we landed it was nearly nine o'clock in the evening so we couldn't do anything because Lacey had to go to sleep it already being past her bedtime.

"I don't want to go to bed Mummy, I'm not tired yet." Lacey groaned, although you could see she was.

"Look little monkey you have to go to bed otherwise you'll be too tired to stay up late for New Year tomorrow." Luke said coming through the door. "Shall Mummy get you into bed then I'll come and read you a bedtime story?"

"Yes, please." She said, letting me pick her up.

Soon after I came back in Luke went to read to her. I got dressed into one of his tees and a pair of leggings.

I crawled into the bed and under the covers whilst I waited for Luke. I could hear him use silly voices and expressions while telling Lacey the story, and often hear her laugh sleepily.

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