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Over the past couple of days me and Luke have been skying more, as well as talking more than we should.

Having a long distance relationship sucks because sometimes you just want to hug them and play with their hair but you can't because they are in one country and you are in another. If I ever meet Luke which is my literal ambition, I would live every moment only to regret not living it enough afterwards. I spend every night talking to a boy on the other side of the world about my problems and him helping me through imaginary hugs and kisses, but we are on opposite sides of the world.

I was sat in my English class, taking notes as per usual, when Miss Hill put a question on the board.

'Do you believe in love?'

"Class, seeing as we have been studying Romeo and Juliet I want to hear your opinions on love. You have half an hour." She told us.

For the first fifteen minutes I had nothing, but then something Luke said got me thinking.

I do believe in love. Love at first sight, I believe you can fall in love by the way their eyes light up when they talk about something they love or read, or when they smile so bright it could cure a disease. I think you can fall in love with the worst of people, not to you but others, because you see the good in them not their flaws, in loving them because you can look past all that and focus on the good. Because that is loving, not caring about what everyone else thinks of them, what you see in them. Love is when nothing else matters but making that persons day, or making them laugh, or even just a smile. Everybody needs a bit of love at some point, some more than others but you still love them.

When the half hour was up, which was just as I was finishing, she told us to hand in our notebooks. I passed mine along then got out my phone, not caring about the rules.

When Miss Hill took them in she lingered on mine, scanning it through.

"That's really well done, I'm impressed." She directed to me.

I felt every eye look at me and my cheeks turn red, why can't I accept compliments?

I was thankful to leave the lesson not wanting anyone to stare at me a second longer, knowing that'd hard considering I draw unwanted attention to myself.

When I got home I went straight upstairs to my room.

Lukey: I was thinking conferring you're my girlfriend ;) We could maybe go on a date? X

I looked at his message. Did he forget we are thousands of miles away?

Lissy: How exactly? X

Lukey: Ah well I have it planned, we Skype and you have a meal and I have a meal; dinner date :) x

I thought about it before going downstairs and putting Pot Noodles in a bowl.

Lissy: Pot Noodles okay? X

Lukey: Perfect x

I went up stairs with my bowl and a glass of water, and shut myself in my room.

Lukey: You ready x

He didn't even bother waiting for a reply before I got an incoming video chat with him.

"Hey girlfriend." He laughed, his smile radiating off of him.

"Hey boyfriend." I replied also grinning.

"Me, Mikey and Cal have been writing a lot of songs recently." Luke told me, smiling like an idiot, "I'd sing them to you but I need them as well."

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