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I ended up staying up till four am on Tumblr, posting and reblogging stuff, and gaining followers. It was when I woke up two hours later how stupid I was, I rushed around finding clothes, to hear Dad awake and sounding angry. I pulled a black beanie on, not wanting to bother with my hair, and rushed out the door before my Dad could say anything. I had downloaded the Tumblr app, despite the complaints so I had something to do at school during breaks and lunch.

The only lesson I merely enjoyed at school was English, as my teacher was surprisingly nice to the girl at the back of the room who never spoke, aka me.

We were having a group discussion all lesson about something unknown. When the lesson finished she called me over, I awkwardly walked over to her the whole class looking whilst leaving.

"Why are you always so quiet in class?" She asks me.

What kind of question is that?

"I- um d-don't like talking much." I stuttered quietly, anxiety taking over.

"Why not, are you scared people will hate you?" She questioned sympathetically.

"T-they already do." I quickly said before rushing out.

As I ran out the classroom I tripped and fell straight into the popular crowd. Fear rushed through me as I quickly scrambled to my feet, only to be pushed down again hitting my head on the hard, cold ground.

"Where do you think you're going emo kid?" A boy asked me, hovering above me.

He kicked me clearly wanting an answer. I was struggling to breathe panic consuming my body.

"H-home." I managed to say.

Another boy or maybe girl kicked me hard in the stomach, I automatically curled up trying to protect myself. Someone then pulled me up, a few punches were thrown at my face, and I was dropped as if I were a used piece of litter.

Tears fell freely from my eyes as I slowly got myself up. I limped to the bathroom to see the injuries. I had a black eye; a swollen lip; and under my top there were many cuts and bruises appearing. I washed to grazes on my arms and walked out as if nothing happened.

I was given weird stares as I walked out the school, I just ignored them although I felt humiliated.

I had of coursed missed the bus so I limped back home, as I was walking the school bus passed and I heard them shout insults out the windows. More tears fell dripping onto the pavement.

When I had eventually got home everything had become too much, messages had been sent to me all saying similar things.

That was fun, next time tomorrow

Don't watch where you're going, today was a laugh

It's fun kicking your emo ass

I need relief. I went up to the bathroom connected to my bedroom, once I was in there I found my one friend. My blade. I stood over the sink and watched as the blade cut through my skin, leaving crimson patterns behind, I watched as it dripped into the sink little splashes making a piece of bloody artwork. I then turned the tap on and washed away the remaining blood, I put a bandage on my wrist and my bracelets.

I went into my room and got changed into my giraffe onesie, and decided to go on Tumblr. I scrolled through my dash until I decided to type something out.

Hey guys! How were your days? It's really cold in New York so cold I'm cuddled up in my giraffe onesie -LissyStyles

I just scrolled through the comments until I came across one comment.

Home [Luke Hemmings] (completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora