Part 2

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Y/N took a seat on the couch closest to L, he smelled very nice.

L ruffled his dark hair and pushed the pile of paper plates on the table to the side, as he returned to his original position on the chair.

"I don't believe I caught your name, what is it exactly?" L questioned, putting his thumb up to his lips.

"My name is-" Y/N started, but was intterupted by L putting his fingers across her lips

"It is rather unwise of you to be giving out your name so carelessly, " L purred, "There is still a 4% probability of me being Kira you know."

Y/N raised an eyebrow, "You know I could be Kira too, I'm not quite sure of the probability but it's not impossible."

L cracked a small grin, "I suppose youre right, I noticed you very abruptly called out during this meeting today, was it by accident? Coincidence? Or fear? I do, however agree with you, I'm thinking of taking out my own private investigation to solve the Kira case, since no one really believes that Light is Kira at the moment. I suppose-"

"I could work on the case privately with you!" Y/N blurted out "oh crap" she thought, "why did I say that?! He probably thinks I'm so suspicious now!"

L smirked, raising his thumb to his lips once more, "Hmmm, I'm not quite sure if this is a trap or not, detective. You could potentially be trying to work with me privately, to throw me off the right track." L thought for a moment, "mhm, that's a risk I would be willing to take though, if it will give me more clues on whether or not you or Light is the true Kira."

"And even if you weren't Kira, you are quite smart and have good detective skills, we could use more people like you on our team here."

Y/N blushed. "So," she sighed happily trying their hardest not to make eye contact, "What are we thinking, L?"

L scratched his head, "I was thinking maybe you could stay at my apartment for a while, it would be much easier for me to deduct whether you are Kira or not. Also, please call me Ryuzaki, that way my alias is safe."

"Alright," Y/N spoke softly "It will be better this way since I have nowhere to stay at the moment, I had to leave Penber's apartment, I can't help but feel guilty everytime I walk past his bed, I wish I could have done more..."

A tear trickled down Y/N's face, Raye Penber practically raised her, and now he was gone.

L looked away, he never understood many emotions, they were strange to him, and he never knew how to go about them. He felt it was better off if he ignored them and never acknowledged them.

Y/N wiped her tears away and took a deep breath, "be professional" she thought, "contain yourself"

Y/N wasn't very good at dealing with emotions either. Y/N understood L. L understood Y/N.

The door from one of the rooms slammed open, the task force who were patiently waiting rushed out.

"Y/N!" Matsuda yelled, hurrying to get his coat on, "There has been another murder! We need to go to the scene immediately!"

Y/N brushed off her clothes hastily and stood up to get her things, the entire task force ran out the glossy front door, leaving L on his seat, waiting.


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