Part 19

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Y/N walked down the long stairway to see Light waiting for her at the bottom.

"Oh hey light!" she waved, "found anything new?"

"Hey, C/N. I haven't found anything too notable yet, I was hoping you could assist me?"

He placed his hands on the small of her back, making her cringe and pull away. "Oh uh, of course!"

L stood up at the top of the stairway, he was as silent as a mouse as he stared at them secretly. He placed his thumb to his lips.

Back down stairs, Light and Y/N huddled over the computer. Light stood crouching over Y/N looking over the screen, he put his hand on her shoulder and began feeling around her arm.

L, still at the top of the stairs clenched his fists, he narrowed his eyes at Light, before tiptoeing down to get a closer look.

Light wrapped his arm around Y/N, she tensed up immediately. "Uh, light, I'm gonna go get Ryuzaki some cake, he wanted some." she said, trying to get away from him.

She walked away from the table to head to the kitchen, leaving Light by himself.

When she got there, she saw L leaning by the stove, glaring into her eyes. He got out a slice of cake from the cabinet, not breaking eye contact.

"So, Y/N, I see light is very interested in you."

Y/Ns cheeks turned red, "Yeah, I was uh, kind of uncomfortable. I was hoping we could go home a bit early."

"Alright." He sighed, "Let me just finish this cake and we can be on our way."
They got home and L immediately went into the crammed closet, locking the door behind him. Y/N rolled her eyes and went after him.

"Why do you keep doing this?!" She sighed, inches away from the door. "Are you mad at me?"


"No." He said, after moments had passed. "I'm mad at myself. I'm scared that Light may take you from me."

Y/N put her fragile hands on the door, "You don't have to worry about that at all. I've made the decision. I'm ready to run away with you."

He peeked out of the closet door, his eyes widening. "So it's settled then. We can fake die on Tuesday, I've already created a plan. Tuesday is in 3 days, so you will have to stay here until then. I will pass on the message to the task force that you have been missing for days, we can work off of that and continue from there."

He put his warm hands on her face. "Just please, promise me you will be safe when I'm gone. Don't leave the house under any circumstances. And call me on this untraceable phone;"

He handed her an old flip phone from his pocket, and went to the kitchen to get a slice of cake from the fridge.

Y/N put her feet up on the couch. "So just to be clear, are you banning me from work for the plan, or are you jealous of Light?"

"Wha- No! That's ridiculous! Why would I be jealous of him, he's a mass murderer!"

"Yeah, and a good looking mass murderer too!" She winked sarcastically.

L scowled.

"Wait a minute!" She gasped, "Is that why you did your hair this morning?!"

L sat down next to her, crossing his arms, with a lollipop in his mouth. "You accuse me of the most ridiculous things, Y/N! But yes, I did do my hair to attempt to impress you."

Y/N chuckled

"B-but don't tell anyone I said that it between you and me ok, no one else! If you say anything I'll tell Light you called him ugly!" He scowled

"But I didn't call him ugly!"

"Exactly, that's the point. Now move over, I wanna sit here too." He said while trying to push Y/Ns legs out of the way.

Y/N didn't budge, "What the heck? Sit on another couch, you insomniac!"

L sighed and took the lollipop out of his mouth, "Well, I guess we'll have to do this the hard way then."

He leaned over her stomach and started tickling it, making her laugh and clutch her stomach with her legs, giving L more room which he didn't hesitate to take up.

"That's better." He sighed, lying down between Y/Ns legs.

"Cake" An L Lawliet X Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now