Part 3

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The next week seemed like a blur for both Y/N and L, they hadn't moved in with each other yet, but they could tell that something (or someone) was missing.

Many of the task force had quit the case, but L had invited Light to join the investigation so it wouldn't matter. It was better if he could keep light as close as possible, but deep down, he wished to get closer to Y/N instead.

Y/N wished the same as she packed up her things as she moved into L's apartment.
Y/N opened the door to Ryuzaki's livingspace after a couple days of gathering her things to move, and silently mourning over the loss of her dear friend, Raye.

She set her keys onto the dusty kitchen table, and dropped her belongings on the freshly made-up room, much better and neater looking then the rest of the apartment. Y/N scanned the apartment, searching for L, he was nowhere to be seen.

"L? I-I mean Ryuzaki?" called Y/N, "Are you here or-"

A closet door creaked open, Y/N turned her head to see L peeking out from the small closet door, signaling for her to come in.

Y/N fully opened the door, pushing through the dusty cleaning supplies inside the closet, L closed it quickly, returning to his original position, crouching in the corner, with a bag of bonbons next to him, and glaring at Y/N.

"Is this a bad time? Is everything OK in here?" asked Y/N.

L scratched his head, "Well in the closet everything is fine, is everything OK outside of the closet? I've been in here for quite some time, about 14 and a half hours to be exact."

"Wow!" Y/N said, baffled, "That is certainly a long time! Why are you in here then?"

"Hmmm." L said softly in a raspy voice, "The last few days have been slow for the investigation, and I feel as if I haven't gotten anything done, do you ever feel that way?"

Y/N chucked, "I mean, occasionally, but what does that have to do with sitting in a closet?"

L stretched his pale arms, "Come closer." he said "So that I can see you clearly, it is very dark in here."

Y/N sat down next to him, their clothes rubbed together as Y/N got comfortable. L looked over and pet Y/N's hair, causing Y/N to shudder. "Mhm," L started, "I don't like to tell people that I have been lazy or unproductive, so if anyone asks, I can just say that I have been hiding in a closet for the past 13 hours."

Y/N smiled, there was something so cute about his monotone voice, "Well I guess if you have been sitting in here for more than half the day, you must be pretty hungry." Y/N laughed, "I brought some veggies from the market, I could make some Salad."

L scrunched his nose in discust, "I don't like salad, do you know how to bake cake? Strawberry cake is my favorite."

Y/N smirked, "I actually used to be an aspiring baker, it was my dream job as a child, but being a detective is OK too, I suppose!" Y/N laughed. "But I won't bake a single thing unless you eat something healthy."

L rested his head on Y/Ns shoulder, "Fine." he grumbled, "I'll go out and get a cake myself." He stood up from the closet and out into the livingroom.

Y/N got up too and looked out the window as her eyes were adjusting to the light, "But it's raining out there. " Y/N said, "Do you want a coat or-"

L scurried out the door in a flash, closing it behind him loudly. Y/N smiled, "He"ll be back soon." She thought.

"Cake" An L Lawliet X Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now