Part 8

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He stared, wide eyed at Y/Ns face and swollen lips. Y/N trying not to make eye contact to hide her flushed cheeks.

He scampered into the closet, being sure to grab the entire cake from the pan. Y/N followed close behind him.

She knocked on the door, "Ryuzaki?" she said with a voice quiver, "Please talk to me."


"Ryuzaki, please? Please don't be ashamed, I-I think I really like you!"


"D-do you like me?"

Hours had passed, L had locked the door, he crouched in the corner of the small musky closet, holding onto the cake for dear life, his cheeks flushed from embarrassment.

He looked down to his white, long sleeve shirt, it was smeared with frosting and cake crumbles from holding it so tightly to his chest.

He put his ear to the door, listening to see if Y/N was still out there.

"...Would you like to eat this cake with me?" L said, listening to Y/Ns soft breathing from the other side of the closet.

"I-I'd like that very much, thank you."

L slowly unlocked the door, peering out of it like a child, the messy cake still in his hands.

He scurried out of the closet and set the cake on the kitchen counter, sitting on a barstool, licking the frosting off his fingers.

Y/N brought out some spoons and forks, "I really hope what happened earlier doesn't come between us, Ryuzaki." she sighed "I think of you as a good friend, part of me wishes you were more though..."

L put his thumb to his lips, "What do you mean by more?"

Y/N scoffed, still clutching the silverware, "You're the greatest detective in the world, I think you know what I mean by more."

L chuckled, "I know, I just wanna hear you say it."

Y/N leaned over the table, an inch away from L's face, "Whats the point of saying it if we could just simply do it. We both know what eachother is thinking of, so what's the point of these little interrogations if we could just-"

L leaned over and kissed Y/N once again. Y/Ns silverware she was holding fell to the floor as she ran her fingers through his soft hair.

She pulled away shortly after, leaving L wide eyed.

"Ryuzaki?" she asked, picking up the silverware, "What are we? I mean what do you want us to be? Business partners? Friends? Lovers?"

"Well if I'm correct, it's not everyday that business partners kiss each other and hold each other like this."

Y/N looked down to see L's arms draped around her waist, looking her dead in the eyes and pulling her closer with every breath.

"Has your old boyfriend ever held you like this?" he said quietly. His chin on her right shoulder.

"Wait a minute!" Y/N laughed, "Is that why you asked so many questions about my boyfriend a week ago?"

"Finally starting to get it, I see." L teased, "I guess you're not as smart as I thought!"

Y/N playfully pushed him and got out of his embrace, grabbing a pillow from the couch and throwing it at him.

L caught it with his right hand and threw it back, hitting her in the face. Y/N ran to the bedrooms to grab more pillows to throw, so did L.

They hurled heaps of pillows and other blankets at each other, knocking down lamps and plants. L grabbed the cake from the counter and started eating it as he dodged the pillows.

"Really?!" Y/N shouted, "Eating cake while in a pillow fight?"

L threw a handful of pillows back, "It keeps my energy up, I barely sleep remember? And did you expect any less from me?"

They threw a few more pillows and collapsed to the floor, lying on top of each other and panting.

They shared the remains of the cake, feeding each other and smiling. Not saying much, just sitting in each other's arms.

When they were done, Y/N was already half asleep. L carried her over to her bed bridal style and tucked her in, being sure to wipe the crumbs off her glowing face.

"Goodnight, Ryuzaki." Y/N whispered.

"Goodnight, Y/N" L said before giving her a small kiss on her forehead.

"Cake" An L Lawliet X Reader FanficWhere stories live. Discover now