Part 17

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Y/N woke up to the sound of L's soft breathing and his face buried into her neck. She checked the clock on the nightstand; being sure not to move and wake him up. The clock read 1:32 AM.

L yawned and rubbed his eyes, "Oh, uh, hey Y/N. I see you're awake."

Y/N touched along her back and stretched, "Yeah, I kinda have a backache from lying on that hospital bed for so long."

L groaned and got up from the soft bed, picking up a fragile Y/N bridal style.

"Where are we going, Ryuzaki?" she asked with a faint chuckle.

"Hmm, I've always felt that warm bathes can help with back problems. I slouch a lot so occasionally I take a long bath to help."

"Ohh I see, so do you normally take showers or-"

"Well uh, thus is quite embarrassing to admit but I've found that you can clean yourself 32 times quicker in a washing machine than a bath."

"Wow! I had no idea that was possible! Does it hurt or anything?"

L set Y/N in the porcelain tub. She took off her top once more.

"No, not at all. What temperature would you like the water to be?" L said, turning the dials in the bathtub.

"I like taking really hot baths, I'm not quite sure the temperature though."

"Alright, I can arrange that." he said, Turing on the silver faucet.

The bath quickly filled up with steaming hot water. L leaned up against the tub, staring into Y/Ns tired eyes. He turned off the faucet when the water was up to Y/Ns neck.

He walked over to the counter to grab a big bottle of soap. "Would you like the bath to be bubbly? This soap smells nice."

He put the soap up to Y/Ns nose, it smelt like strawberries and flower petals; it was lovely.

"Ooo yes, put that in!" she said excitedly. She didn't remember the last time she had a bubble bath.

L emptied the container into the bath, "Just curious, but has your old boyfriend ever given you a bath before?"

Y/N laughed as clouds of bubbles rose to the surface. "You're jealous aren't you?"

"W-what, no! That's absolutely ridiculous! You still didn't answer my question though."

"No, he's never given me a bath before, oh great detective Ryuzaki!" she said sarcastically.

L splashed soapy water in her hair, being sure not to get it in her eyes at all. "Alright shush now, let me clean your hair."

He brought out a bottle of shampoo to put into Y/Ns glistening hair, he combed through it with his fingers, making sure to leave no spot u cleaned. Y/N closed her eyes and he massaged the sweet smelling shampoo into her scalp.

"Well I would give you plenty of baths if you came to run away with me." L whispered

"Your manipulative tactics aren't going to work on me, silly. But running away and faking our deaths does sound pretty nice."

"Ahhh so you do want to run away with me, well that makes convincing you a whole lot easier."

Y/N thought for a minute, "You know, what if I found out that you were only pretending to like me so that I could run away with you and you could convict me as Kira. I doubt that's the case though."

L chuckled, "Well that's certainly not the case, to be honest I never really thought you were Kira, I just wanted you to move in here because I had a bit of a crush-"

"I'm just kidding, I would know if this was a test anyways, so don't try me!"

L washed out the shampoo from her now clean and fragrant hair with a pitcher of water and drained the tub. Y/N got up and wrapped herself in a towel, L dryed her hair off with a towel and kissed her forehead as he scurried to the bed.

Y/N put on a nightgown and fell onto the soft bed. She went to kiss L but he was already asleep again.

"Goodnight, Ryuzaki."

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