Half Birthdays

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The world worked in mysterious ways. It was odd how one small and minuscule thing can lead up to something catastrophic. It was oddly amazing how one idea, a single thought, could become something great with enough willpower. It was peculiar how something so small as an electric shock running through your brain a billion miles a second could spark so many things.

It was odd how Marlene Rogers went from living near poverty with her brother in Brooklyn to working alongside Howard Stark.

It astounded her that such a thing could happen.

At first, Marlene had doubts that Howard wanted her for her mind. She knew he wasn't exactly the type to deny a pretty woman in a short skirt. Much to her surprise, when she arrived, Howard hadn't done anything to imply that's why he hired her.

Yet, he still flirted with her. It would be a lie saying she hadn't expected as much. Despite this, Marlene knew he valued her knowledge. He had asked her what she thought was best and if certain outcomes could be possible.

She felt respect and he treated her as a partner. As a friend.

Therefore, Howard was the least of her concerns.

Bucky was still closed off. It wasn't that he was harsh, he just doesn't seem too thrilled about Marlene's presence.

As naive as it sounded, Marlene wanted things to go back to how everything was before. Before she moved to London. She wanted it to go back to when she understood everything going through Bucky's mind. She wanted it to go back to the days when she, Bucky, and Steve would run about the streets of Brooklyn with no care in the world.

But she wasn't one to live in the past.

She knew that people changed. Some people simply grew apart for many reasons. She also knew she couldn't expect things to be exactly how they were when she left.

She wasn't stupid enough to think as much.

"Howard!" Marlene called through their workspace. "Hurry up!"

"You go ahead. I'll meet you there!" He called back.

"Don't take forever!" She laughed as she left the building.

Within the past month, Howard and Marlene formed this sort of ritual of sorts. Every Friday, the two would eat lunch at a diner.

"Miss Rogers," Mr. Edwin Jarvis greeted as Marlene began to walk along the side walk.

"Good afternoon, Mr. Jarvis," she replied pleasantly.

"Miss Rogers, I am pleased to drive you to the diner," Jarvis stated.

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