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When my phone chimed,I pulled away from Max who was surprisingly grinning like the Cheshire cat.

Two new messages from Caleb and Rosie.

From: Rainbow🌈🌞💘
             Um,Kendall. I'm so sorry about what happened today,Hope you don't freak out when Max shows up and I could not stay,I'll come see you tomorrow okay?. Stay safe with Max and i swear,if he touches you..tell me. Xoxo.

I giggled at that and shoved the screen into Max's face. He didn't find it funny and that's all the more reason why it was.

From: Ro♥💯👭💓
              So sorry we all had to leave Kendall but we love you. I would have loved to come tomorrow but I have practice and I finally asked David to try out so,we'll be busy tomorrow. So sorry Evie. You're the best person ever on earth. Love you. Hugs and kisses.

I put my phone back into my pocket and faced Max. "It's pretty late now and everyone left the hospital. You should go home too."

Take it this way;

I wasn't sounding sad or anything,I was just suggesting he goes home.

"Someone needs to keep you company. I'll stay."

"Are you sure?.." I pouted,truly touched by his offer.

He threw his head back in a slight chuckle. "Just be yourself,no need to be feminine."

"Am I not feminine?."

"Not really."

"Just leave." I huffed.

But he did something else. Something really normal between friends but the effect it had on me wasn't.

He tilted his head and rested it on my shoulder.

"Now that's more like you."

I swear,I could feel his breath on my skin. It made the hair in that area rise up and shake. Why?.

I can't possibly have feelings for anyone right now.

I was having a mental breakdown.

You know what shook me even more?. The fact that I just stayed there like a glue,I didn't even motion for him to get up or something,I just stayed there silently wishing that this moment could savor forever.

And what exactly does forever means Dearies?.

That's what scared me mostly and I came back to my senses.

"Your head is healthy. Too much ego."

He looked at me with fixed eyebrows. "I'm staying with you tonight and anytime you want me to Kendall. I'm very serious about it. And,you'll be resting your head on my shoulder tonight,don't you think we should be even."

"I'm not having this conversation."

"But I am.." He flicked his tongue and ran it over his bottom lip.

His red bottom lip.

I wonder what they'd taste like. Maybe strawberries?.

Ugh!. This is why I hate dealing with boys.


I got home late.

It was 11:19 pm but I knew my dad would have kittens but my mom would clearly understand when I tell her that something terrible happened to a friend of mine.

So I stepped into my home,filled with how that tonight was going to be a peaceful one.

As I shut the door behind me,I didn't miss my Father's bloody tone. "Why are you home late?."


That letter had just come out of my mouth as I continued stalling,hoping that my mom was home and that she'd come bail me out of all this.

"Answer me boy!." He spat again.

"Oh Eric.." I could hear my mom topple behind my father,holding him from behind. "Just calm down honey."

I managed to squeeze in a laugh.

I love my mom,she always has something up here sleeve.

"Let's go back to bed." She said in a very rapsy tone of voice and I couldn't help but laugh again.

My dad's head shot at me. "You..you.."

But my mom drew circles on his chest. "Come on Eric,I bought new undies today. I'd like very much to show them to you."

And that took my dad.

I swear I could see him twit a smile. Just a little.

"David.." He began. "We'll talk about this later." He said before letting my mom drag him away.

I chuckled as I climbed the stars to my room. My family is just drama. Well,mostly my mother. I can't believe she just did that although,I'm not very surprised. But still,I don't feel like being a big brother anytime soon.

I never liked taking a bath.

First of all,I don't like water very much.
Two,I'm a lazy being okay?.

I always feel like a burden has been lifted off me whenever I'm done cleaning up. With one hand on my towel that covered my..everything?, I used the second to search for any random pants. Pants I could feel comfortable in and sleep in peace.

I slid into them and jumped on my bed.

Is it weird that I still do that?.

Anyway,I pulled out my phone and logged on to insta.


I smiled when I saw the notification and zoomed in on myself who stood halfway resting on the door frame shirtless. I recall my mom helping me out with finding a photographer that weekend to do the job.

Like I said.. Dramatic mom.

I licked my lips as a thought occurred to me; Rosabella could be on insta. Well,Nah because it'd be unactive anyway.

Still,I found myself typing in her name in the search engine of the Instagram and nobody there looked anything like her.

What could she have saved her name as?.

My eyes widened on their own when I came to realization and I backspaced her full name and typed slowly.

Rosie Scott.

But other suggestions fell out. I was looking at almost two hundred profiles,I have to find her. I have to try.

Then I came across this profile picture. Wolf with red eyes and the username was Rosie_Scott_♥. I tapped and her about loaded.

Three things cannot long be hidden,
The sun,The moon and the truth.

Oh! Definitely Rosie.

And plenty of her pictures uploaded. 302 posts?, 52.9M likes?and 1.7M followers?.


I underestimated her.

So I slid into her DM and a smug smile appeared on my face as I typed.

                                        You haven't gotten over teen wolf?.

And I turned off my phone to get a goodnight rest. I'd still see her tomorrow during my tryouts.


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