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58 hours.

We flew for 58 hours!. I slept,ate..I was happy dare I say it. So when we landed,it was Monday. A hectic busy day but when we landed,so many people wanted to get Claire's and I's autographs or maybe a small pat or handshake.

My mind traced back to Rosie.

She'd be busy. They wouldn't even know if I've arrived yet. And add the fact that they are performing tomorrow too. So I bet they're practicing their asses off.

I got to the hospital by noon,late noon,3:29pm to be precised and Claire wanted to relax but there was no relaxing for me. I want to see my mom!.

I opened the door to Rosie,David and Caleb.

"Amazing!." Caleb rushed to squeeze me. Squeeze not hugging. "You were just amazing sweetheart."

As he unwrapped me,I was met with David's friendly hug unlike Caleb. And Rosie?. She was crying?.

"You were so good..." She said before sniffing. "I love you."

I pulled her into a hug but she was still crying ever still and -you can guess what Caleb was doing - Caleb clapped and jumped up while laughing his pants off.

"You should have seen her when we were watching the stuff. Rosie used two boxes of tissues,she even soaked the chips we had."

"For real.." It seems Caleb's laughter was contagious because David was laughing too but unlike Caleb,it was modest. "It was the act of the whole year."

I narrowed my eyes at the door that has 216 boldly written on it. "My mom?."

"She's been waiting for you."

I took a step,then another,and another and another. The door was face to face with me right now and my hands trembled as I reached for the door.

My mother; Divian George was the strongest woman I've ever met. The strongest I haven't met are the game of thrones characters;Arya and Sansa Stark,then the Disney princess Mulan.

She'd been there.

When my dad failed as a husband and a father but she never took it out on Becca or me. She would call us most nights and try to explain why we are going down financially. Of course she told us the truth and always told us not to hate our dad,everyone makes mistakes etcetera and etcetera.

She'd cry most nights too,maybe that's what caused this. She was stressed. A lot. Maybe she couldn't get over the lies my dad had told her over six years and the way he still wouldn't listen to her and put his daughters future in jeopardy.

"Mom?." It was a whisper. I opened the door to see my mom lying on her sick bed,smiling the brightest I'd seen her in months. "Mom." This time,it came with a hint of tear.

"I know that this isn't what you expect but I'd like it very much if I get to return home now. Someone really important is waiting for me." She said putting her fingers up,she was quoting me in some squeaky voice. Then she let out a shaky breath and a small laugh. "Damn your goody two feet."

I shuffled closer to her before kissing her slightly on her forehead. She had tears in her eyes and was doing very little to wipe it off.

"I swear kiddo,I never took you for a romantic." She was smiling at me. My mom was smiling at me!.

"I love you mom." It was all I could muster up to say. It was all I could put everything I felt in.

"That Tesla,you ain't gon' drive it till..." She sighed and touched her heart. "But you're eighteen,don't give me a heart attack kiddo."

I bit my lips as it twitched. "I won't mom."

The door opened and Becca dropped the bags she was carrying on her shoulders,she was shuffling to me as if not being able to control her feet. "How come no one told me you were coming today?." And the force she used to hug me caused me to stumble.

"Hey Becca..."

"Don't hey Becca me,you!."

"Did I do something wrong?."

"You were so awesome!." She nearly screamed. "Out there!. Are we gonna have paparazzi now?." Her eyes were glittering.

"Rebecca.." Mother eyed her.

"I know.." Becca looked at her feet. Her shoes were dusty and really really sore. But she looked up at me,this time it wasn't glittering eyes that met mine. "The landlord kicked us out."

"What?!." My mom rose up. She was shifting so she could be able to use her feet to touch the floor. "What do you mean kicked us out?."

"Well.." I could sense Becca's tone. It was sad and so..just wrong. "When Max dropped me home,I wanted to get some clothes for you since you were staying for just one more day but he was furious. I managed to pack a few things because Mr Shawn was there."

"Mr Shawn?." My mom was frowning even more now. She leaned forward to touch Becca. "Who's that?!."



My dad's voice woke me up slightly. It shook me so I tumbled on my desk and adjusted my night lamp.

He dropped the cup on my table and rocked his head at me.

"You sure you need to do this?,read?."

I took a sip of the coffee and flipped a page. I've been reading some books. Text books.

I've been studying. Korean.

Rosie said it'd impress the hell out of Kendall and its her secret wish!. But i wasn't gonna do it now. I'd be later because obviously,she can't even look at me.

Her words.

And the only way to get her to look at me or even say anything without feeling guilty,is to become as cocky as she thought I was.


"Son." He sighed and slopped down on my bed. "You know;if its hard for you,you could.."

"Stop?. Dad,I haven't been so sure about anything before,anyone but Kendall."

"But you said.."

"I know what I said." I flipped the chair so that I could face him now. "But she won't accept me."

"Are you blind?." He retorted. "Kendall has feelings for you but she's having a hard time okay?,her mother is in th hospital,they just got kicked out!."

"That's when my idea comes in."


"Let me speak please?."

He motioned with his hands and I smiled.

"The favor you asked of Kendall..."

"What are you suggesting?."

I turned off my lamp light with a broad smirk on my face. Tomorrow,I am going to be a very happy Maxwell.

BESTIE SAGA✔ (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now