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They kissed;so? 💥🌚💣
Cashley huh? 🌚. Well anyway,what's up lovies? ♥. Its been long right?.

Isn't the fact that Max hasn't made a move on Kendall pissing you off? Because its pissing me off.

Enjoy your reading lovies 😊




I took my time before knocking on the door. I breathed slowly,its been almost a month since I last talked to Kendall. I miss her already. 

As the door opened,I was greeted by Becca's friendly smile.

"Hi Becca,is your sister home?."

"Yeah sure,come on in."

The house looked great but I'm sure Max's room looks even better. A sudden fear gripped me as I climbed up the stairs. Her door wasn't closed but that didn't stop me from not entering her room. Caleb was seated on her bed with her and they were laughing about something. And Caleb was pushing Kendall.

It was after Kendall fell off the bed that she raised her messy hair up and beamed before she looked at me with a blasphemed look.

Of course she thought I was pathetic. I was standing there,looking all gloomy,missing them both.

I managed to squeeze a smile when I saw that Caleb too had that look on his face.

"Hi,hope I wasn't disturbing anything?."

Caleb shook his head in disbelief. I know right?,I'm also shocked. "N..no Rosie. Come on in."

I fiddled with my bag as I stepped into the room. Kendall's bothered gaze never left me as she scooted over so that I could sit on her bed.

"We were just talking about..." She started.

"Things are not going to go back the way they were Kendall,I just came here because I made a decision and there's nobody to talk to. So I came to you two."

Kendall swallowed. "But that means you still think of us. You still want..."

"David and I are together. We're dating." Then I stood up immediately before any of their true talk gets to me. "That's all."

"But you're elite. Isn't that illegal somewhat?. They made a rule for a reason Ro."

"So?,I want to be able to break the rules too."

"Rosie wait."

But I huffed and left.


Kendall sighed when she herd the front door go off.
"It didn't have to turn out this way."

I held her hand in mine and gave it a small squeeze. "I know Kendall and I'm so sorry."

"You don't have to be Caleb. We're both in the same boat."

"But like you said;it didn't have to turn out this way. You can still reach her Kendy. Only you can."

"But how?."

"I don't know,I wish I did but looks like I don't have a place in her heart anymore."

"Don't say that Caleb."

"Yeah." I gave a tight smile. "I have to go though. Practice."

"Take care of Rosie."

I nodded.


4 hours.

Caleb was in her room for over 4 hours;alone with her. They've been giggling about stuffs ,such torture to my ears. I couldn't take it anymore,I had to tell her exactly how I feel.

I looked around,it was dark already.

I was already at her door when the sudden thought of her being asleep came to mind. But I had already knocked.

Don't stress yourself homie,she ain't coming out.

I averted my eyes from the door and suddenly stepped back.

You have to tell her.

You have to tell her now.

So I opened the door to find Kendall's back facing me,she was wearing a small shirt and baggy pajamas. Her head snapped from the window to me and her lips curved into a small smile.

"Do you like Caleb?."

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