×× chapter 17 ××

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Katsuki glared at the TV, having just lost another round of Super Smash Bros against Kaminari.

"Damn Suki, you really suck at this." Kaminari stated, dodging a pillow that the blond threw at him.

He looked at Katsuki and stuck his tongue out, waving the controller around like it was some big medal.

"HEY CHAKO? YOU WANNA PLAY WITH ME?" The boy screamed at Uraraka who was inside the kitchen looking for food.

The brunette poked her head outside the door and nodded her head, holding up her fingers for the boy to wait.

"Can I play with Bakugo first? I wanna see how bad he really is." Uraraka asked, sitting in between Ashido and Katsuki on the couch.

"You little-"

Kaminari excalimed before Katsuki could do or say anything to Uraraka.

He handed the brunette his controller and watched as both teens fought each other.


Mirio and Deku sat on the edge of an abandoned building, looking for a specific person holding a purple and pink plastic bag.

"There he is!!" Mirio whispered, activating his quirk. He slid through the building and into the alley way while Izuku used his OFA to jump off the walls, trying his best to stay quiet.

Mirio stood on one side of the Alley while Izuku stood on the other, blocking the exits for the person.

"DEKU NOW!!" Mirio screamed, watching as Izuku used OFA on his fingers and created a large force of wind to smack the person and make them lose balance, dropping the bag.

Mirio yelped and ran up to snatch the bag before the person could grab it.

The teen looked inside the bag and cheered in victory as he pulled out a black leather jacket.

"I KNEW IT!!" He screeched staring at the person. Said person took off their hood and pouted at the teen above him.

"Agh who told you? Was it Neijire?" Tamaki squeaked, folding his arms and glaring at the bag his boyfriend was holding.

"Nope, Deku saw you in the grunge store with his classmate, Jirou, and told me about it."

Izuku rubbed the back of his neck and mumbled out a small sorry.

"I didn't think it was important, I just blurted it out." The greenie stammered, staring apologetically at the purple haired teen.

"But it was fun chasing you down, so I'm not entirely sorry for that!!" He smiled, giggling at Tamaki's shocked expression.

"What did you need a leather jacket for anyway?" Izuku asked, staring at the piece of clothing Mirio was holding.

Tamaki looked at his boyfriend then at the jacket then back to his boyfriend before vigorously shaking his head.

Izuku opened his mouth to repeat the question but kept it shut, for Tamaki used his tentacles to run away from the two teens.

Mirio started wheezing once the boy was out of sight and fell on the ground, coughing and hitting his chest in attempt to stop the choking.

Izuku rushed towards him and hit his back until Mirio calmed down.

"He bought- He bought this to impress my paren-" The teen didn't finsih his sentence. He burst out laughing once again, going into another coughing fit.

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