Chapter 19 - Rabid vampire

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"An ancient?" Grayson asked as walked down the stairs and to my office.

"The few elders we have are over 1200 years old, although, I am the oldest living vampire. At least that I know of. But an ancient is someone who has been around for 800 or more years, and there isn't a lot of them either. And after that time, there is never any reason to go into a blood lust.

"We only take a few sips of blood, truly. The days of killing were many, many ages ago. And the older you are, the more the urge to drain dry disappears. A blood lust really does only happen to younger vampires, and again, we are there with them, teaching them and coaching them. We learned a long time ago that we couldn't just change vampires and leave them to their own devices; that could ruin them and our secret." We walked into my office and I picked up the line. "Hello."

"Ah, Fire."

"Stefano, what a pleasure."

"Nonsense, and you know that."

"Astute, aren't you. What happened?"

"Some of Michael's men were out in a nearby town, having a quiet lunch with him. They said as he started talking he got more aggressive and loud; they were very worried, but not enough to call anyone.

"They went on to say that he left to go to the bathroom and a few moments later, they heard a scream and ran back to the area, seeing a female body on the floor, drained dry, with no sign of Michael. They got in the car and picked up his scent and found that he had killed another in less than 15 minutes." I sat down in my chair as I listened, this not sounding like the man I had known. Michael was very soft spoken and even had a soft spot for most humans. So, it was blowing my mind that he would do anything like that, especially being 900 years old.

"They came upon him about ten minutes after that. He was hunting his fourth victim, and they were at least able to stop that. But they said that when they saw him that he was talking gibberish, that his eyes had glazed over and that he had started foaming at the mouth."

"What? How is that even possible? Those are not traits of vampires and nothing I have ever heard of!"

"In all your years?" I tugged on my bottom lip and glanced up at Grayson as his eyes narrowed on my lips.

"In all my years, I swear that's nothing I recall. As odd as that may seem, Stefano, those are traits of mutts." That caught Grayson's attention. "Where is Michael now?"

"At his coven, locked away."

"He needs to be moved. I'm not sure about his mind frame right now and I don't believe in his vampires, they could easily let him loose. Move him to either yours, or God forgive me for saying this, Derrick's."

"Derrick? He is ruthless!"

"No doubt Stefano, but as my friend..." I paused as Stefano snorted at that, "yes, my ex lover as well, but we are talking 200 years ago! But he is also someone who's prison and security I trust above all others. If you don't want to keep Michael, send him there." And with that, I hung up. I rested my arms on my desk and leaned forward, looking at Grayson.

"That doesn't sound good."

"It's not. I'm not sure exactly what got into Michael, but it's like we got a rabid vampire." Grayson wrinkled his brows.

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