The Brotherhood

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I woke up early the next day and got ready to go to the Commonwealth. I went to the docking ports and saw Yoda already there. "Master Yoda." I bowed.

"Hrmm, ready you are?"

"Yes." I nodded. The ship would go into a long lightspeed run and I would be able to land safely to the Commonwealth once I got out of it. It had a stealth device on it to hide it from stealers. I hopped into the cockpit.

"Careful you shall be. Not know what is in the Commonwealth you don't."

"I'll be careful." I said. "May the Force be with you." I flew off of Coruscant and punched the coordinates into the ship. The stars turned to streaks and I sat back. I was in the regular jedi tunic and a brownish blackish cloak. My lightsaber hung at my side. My kyber crystal ignited an orange blade and Master Yoda approves of my skills. I mostly prefered a single blade but I've met some jedi who had double blades and I also heard of Darth Maul who killed Qui Jon Quinn. The ship was ready to exit lightspeed and I came out of it to see a dark barren planet. I gulped and flew towards the atmosphere. The trees had no leaves and the grass was brownish. I couldn't get much information on the place from the archives but I sensed something really bad happened here. I landed my ship, got out, and activated the stealth device. I looked around. I took out a holomap and it showed I was in the North of the Commonwealth. I started walking South when I heard blasters firing in the distance. I rushed to it and saw soldiers fighting against ghouls. I pulled out my lightsaber and slayed the strange human beings since they were attacking me once I went into the open.

"I appreciate your help, civilian, but state your business here." the man in bulky metal armor said. Another soldier was down and was being taken care of by yet another soldier.

"To help the Commonwealth." I said, beginning stating my purpose on the planet. "I was sent by the Jedi Order to check out this place."

"The Jedi Order?" he said, confused.

"We restore peace and justice to the galaxy." I said.

"So where do you come from?"

"I'm from Coruscant, where the Jedi Temple is." I answered.

"So you must be from another planet system," he said in awe. "Well, I'm glad you were sent to help. Ever since me and my squad arrived in the Commonwealth, we have been under constant fire."

"So there's other places here?" I asked.

"Yes. I'm surprised you wouldn't help the whole planet." he said. "By the way, Paladin Danse, Brotherhood of Steel. That's Knight Rhys, and over there is Scribe Haylen."

I nodded at each of them.

"We have been trying to get communications with my superiors but we've had no luck," he continued.

"Sir, if I may." Haylen said.

"Proceed, Haylen."

"I could modify the radio tower to be strong enough to get to them. I just need a certain device to do so." she said.

"Then our next target is Arcjet Systems." he said. "So, civilian, are you ready to lend the Brotherhood of Steel a hand?"

"Of course." I said.

"Outstanding. Come inside the police station to resupply, then let me know right away when you're ready to go." he went inside along with the other soldiers after ordering them what to do. I decided to contact Master Yoda. 

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