The General of the Minutemen

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I walked out of the HQ, thinking about a lot. I decided to go help the Minutemen and helped the settlement in trouble which was clearing raiders from a certain place. Afterwards, I reported back into Preston.

"I'm really glad you're on our side." he said. "Take this flare gun to call out any supporting Minutemen to you for help. I hope you find some use for it."

"Thanks." I said.

"So, will you join the Minutemen?" he asked.

"I'll do my best." I said, remembering Yoda's words. I knew they'd approve of the Minutemen.

"Good! Good." he said. "Since there aren't really any more Minutemen to argue with me, I'll make you our new general." he said.

"Me? I don't know..."

"I'm sure you can do it. Lead us in some way at least." he said.

"Alright." I said.

"I'll let you know if there's anything new. In the meantime, help any settlement in need of help." he said. I walked away, looking at the flare gun. I went to a weapon's workbench and modified it as more of a rifle and easy to use for real emergencies. I left Sanctuary, using the Force to guide me to my next place.

It has been a month of helping the Minutemen and the Railroad. I contacted my masters often telling them about the Minutemen and other updates. Soon I was confronted by Preston.

"I think we're ready."

"I can sense this has a battle in it." I said, putting my hands on my hips.

"General, there's an old Minuteman fort in the south. I think that we have enough Minutemen on our side to take it back... from whatever took it from us."

"Alright. Let's go then."

"Meet me at these coordinates. I'll have some Minutemen with me." he said. "I'm sure these settlers can handle themselves now, too." he said.

I watched him leave and went my own way towards the destination. Soon, I saw Preston and many other people at a nearby abandoned diner. The place was like a Castle, it's the name too, and had growth on it everywhere.

"Good, we're all here. Now, how are we going into the base?"

"I say we go in, guns blazing. Best way for an entrance."

"Nah, I think we should put a barricade out here."

"What about attacking from all sides?"

I looked at each of the Minutemen as they were arguing.

"Let's make it up to the General to decide." Preston said.

"We put up a barricade out here." I said. "I'll draw them out."

"Alright. Just be careful."

I went into the Castle and was immediately attacked by giant crabs. I led most of them to the barricade and we then charged in, destroying the eggs. The crab queen came out of the nearby water and I dodged its attacks and started slashing at it, almost immediately putting it down.

"Alright. The Castle's ours." Preston said. "We should be able to power up the radio tower with some of these scrap piles around."

After looking around and collecting lots of junk, I built power and plenty of other supplies in the Castle and refurbished most of the things to be sturdier. After a couple of days, I was met by someone.

"There you are, finally. Ronnie Shaw. Commonwealth Minutemen." she said.

"Nice to meet you." I said.

"I see you're the new General. Hmph. Don't seem like one to me."

"I assure you. I have things covered." I said.

"Oh really? What makes you think so?"

"I'm a Jedi. We go for peace." I said.

"Yeah, whatever. I used to be a Minutemen veteran... but now I'm a Minuteman now that they've rebuilt themselves. See the western bastion? That's where the armory is. Real goodies inside there. I'll show you." she said, leading the way. I followed her to it and there was a gate blocking the way.

"No way in. I think there's another way somewhere else."

"There's a way here." I said. I closed my eyes and pressed a button from the otherside, opening the gate up.

"Wow. You have some skill. Maybe you are really a Minuteman." she said. We found plenty of weapons and armor. I built the artillery again but still needed men to use them so I waited to do that later. I explored the Castle tunnels, fought a sentry bot, and found the body of another Minuteman General. I went back up and Preston walked up to me.

"We have urgent things now. The Institute is attacking us. Don't ask how we know... it's not important. We don't have our artillery up nor a good amount of men." he said.

"We will defend the Castle at all costs." I said. "Get the men we do have ready. Call a last minute reinforcement call."

"Right away, general."

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