Holographic Message

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The next morning, I was awoken by Ronnie Shaw who said there was an incoming message from my ship. I went to play it with Colt by my side.

"This is Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic have fallen, with the dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi. Trust in the Force. Do not return to the Temple. That time has passed. And our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged. Our trust... our faith... our friendships. But we must persevere. And in time, a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you... always."

"Master, what will we do now?" Colt asked.

"We have to stay here. The Empire will be too much. We have to hide out for a while until a new hope rises." I said.

"But they know we're here."

"We can survive this, trust your instincts and trust in the Force." I said.

We kept fighting the clones as they came and soon no more came. I meditated often and after a few weeks, a ship came above us.

"The Empire's here." I said. "We have no choice but to succumb to them."

"But General, we can fight back."

"No, these are too much firepower against ours." I said. "Colt, we need to go and-"

Suddenly, a TIE Advanced came with Tie Fighters and landed nearby. A man in a dark suit came out and faced me and Colt.

"Be ready for a fight." I said. "Stay quick and strong." I pulled out my lightsaber and ignited it.

"Be ready to die, jedi!" The man had a deep voice and a black suit anyone could be scared of. Anyone would be scared.

We charged at the man and he blocked our attacks with the Force. He knocked me down, leaving Colt fighting alone with him. He ignited his red lightsaber and attacked him. Colt dodged and parried him, soon having trouble. I tried to get up but he kept me down. The man was going to knock Colt down with a rock but I used the Force to block it from him. The man then started to Force choke me. I couldn't breathe and I tried to make him let go. I saw Colt leap for him and the man interrupted what he was doing and blocked his attack with his lightsaber. I reached out to fight him also but he still kept me on the ground. I watched him as he had great reflexes and attacks until the man stabbed him in the heart then advanced towards me, letting him suffer the pain. I rolled before he could slay me and towards Colt.

"Colt! No!" I cried.

"Master. I have failed you."

"No you haven't. You fought bravely." I said.

"Thank you, master. For this opportunity." he gasped. "May the Force be with... you..."

I cried but the man was creeping up behind me. I sensed it and blocked it with my lightsaber. I had quickly taken my padawan's lightsaber and hitched it on my belt. I fought the man and he slashed me on my arm. It was strong enough not to completely break it but it sparked a little.

"I feel your anger. Come join the Dark Side."

"Never!" I said.

"Join me and we can conquer the galaxy together."

"I told you no. I will not join the darkside." I said.

"Then you will die." he threw his lightsaber at me. The hilt hit me in the face and I fell down in pain, falling unconscious. I woke up a few minutes later to see the man about to finally strike me down. I reached out with the Force. I was on top of the walls at the moment. I Force slowed him and rolled off down onto the far ground. 

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