Training in the Commonwealth

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"Are you the jedi looking for a padawan?" he asked.

"Yes I am." I said. "I've been thinking you."

"Me?" he was surprised. "I didn't know if I did well in the end. It seemed kinda unfair."

"It wasn't." I assured him. "You can be my padawan."

"Thank you, master." he said, bowing as I walked out of the room. I went to Master Yoda who was talking to Mace Windu.

"Chose a padawan, you have, yes?"

"Yes, master." I said.

"Good. The young apprentice will be assigned to you by tonight. Train him well." Mace Windu said. I wasn't very fond of him but since he was a jedi council member, no one really got any hints of it. I went to get ready for my new padawan, thinking of the training sessions I could do. I concluded the Commonwealth would be a good place to practice some things every once in a while. Soon, it was night and I was called into a training room.

"Hello, master." Colt said, bowing again. He now had a padawan braid he seemed to wear proudly. I was quite fond of him for he was kinda cute but I kept quiet about it.

"Hello, Colt." I said. "Are you ready for your first training session?"


I started to explain about using the Force and instructed him to do some practices. I used the Force as guidance and remembered my own training sessions with my old master and Yoda. Soon, I ended the session.

"You did good, padawan." I said.

"Thank you master."

"Get rest. We have things to do tomorrow. May the Force be with you." I said, watching him leave.

It has been many weeks of training Colt and he was improving. I had done a mission with him once and he handled it well. I then sensed something bad happening in the Commonwealth and asked Yoda for permission to go there.

"Please Master, I have to go there to help."

"Hrmmm. Waste time, we cannot."

"I'm not wasting time." I said. "I can go there myself along with my padawan. I'm sure he's ready to handle such a task."

"Trained him well, I sense. Hrmmm. Let you go there, I will. Come back as soon as possible, you must, though."

"Yes master. Thank you master." I said, bowing and leaving the room. I then sensed Colt nearby, listening. "Were you spying again?" I asked him, crossing my arms.

"Sorry, master." he said. "I just want to know things."

"You were going to know this anyhow. I feel you are not using the Force often. Trust in it. Let it guide you through life." I said.

"I'm trying master."

"Master Yoda says do or do not, there is no try. Remember that." I said. "We're going to the Commonwealth. Let's go." I had taught him how to fly and he had mastered piloting so I allowed him to fly his own ship. We went to the hangars and flew out, punching in the coordinates to the planet. Both our ships were modified to hyperspace to the Commonwealth and we soon were in front of the wasteland world. I used the Force to guide me to where the Castle was and told Colt to follow.

"Follow me. And no matter what, let me do the talking once we are able to talk."

"What do you mean by that?"

"We are charging into a battle situation. So we can only talk when the enemies are all dead. No matter what the enemies are, defend yourself, protect others only. Do you understand?" I am sometimes pretty strict on orders on him but he understood when I confessed it. He was at least 13 years old. I know he was young as the jedi council remarked but he was doing well. It would only be just a few more years of training to be the age of average jedi knights, as I joked to myself privately. We saw raiders attacking the Castle and I fired at them with my ship guns. I saw Danse and smiled, quickly pulling it away. I landed my ship along with Colt and we pulled out our lightsabers, killing most of the raiders. After an hour, they were all dead and Danse rushed up to me and hugged. I pushed him away, trying to set a good example for Colt, who had caught up behind me.

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