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"Permission to come aboard, sir?" He asked a man after we boarded the Prydwen.

"Permission granted. I take it this is our 'helper'?"

"Yes sir. She just has been wanting to help us and claims to have been sent here."

"Very well."

"My current orders?"

"Your orders are to stay on the Prydwen until further notice. Ad Victoriam, paladin, Dismissed."

"Ad Victoriam."

"So, you're the helper Paladin Danse has mentioned in his reports." the man said to me.

"Yes, I've been sent here to... calm things down."

"Who sent you?"

"The Jedi Order." I said.

"Never heard of them. Elder Maxson would like to speak to you when you have the moment. For now on, you're allowed to wander our perimeters, but we will be watching you."

I went to the command deck to see Maxson giving a speech to his soldiers.

"Brothers and Sisters, the road behind has been long and fraught with difficulty. Each and every one of you has surpassed my expectations by rapidly facilitating our arrival in the Commonwealth. You have accomplished this amazing feat without a hint of purpose or direction, and most impressively, without question. Now that the ship is in position, it is time to reveal our purpose and our mission. Beneath the Commonwealth there is a cancer... known as the Institute, a malignant growth that needs to be cut before it infects the surface. They are experimenting with dangerous technologies that could prove to be the world's undoing for the second time in recent history. The Institute Scientists have created a weapon that transcends the destructive nature of the atom bomb. They call their creation the "synth," a robotic abomination of technology that is free-thinking and masquerades as a human being. The notion that a machine could be granted free will is not only offensive, but horribly dangerous. And like the atom, if it isn't harnessed properly, it has the potential of rendering us extinct as a species. I am not prepared to allow the Institute to continue this line of experimentation. Therefore, the Institute and their "synths" are considered enemies of the Brotherhood of Steel, and should be dealt with swiftly and mercilessly. This campaign will be costly and many lives will be lost. But in the end, we will be saving humankind from its worst enemy... itself. Ad victoriam!"

The soldiers left to go to their posts and I went to Maxson.

"So you're our little helper. I'm quite disappointed you didn't join us, but the offer's open. Tell me about this Jedi Order you're from."

"We restore peace to the Galaxy. We fight the bad people for defense for hope." I said.

"So, you're sent to help us?"

"Not exactly. Just resolve conflict between everyone."

"I can understand that... with the Institute and all. You can help us whenever you can. Speak to the top commanders to get assignments. Thank you."

I went up to the main deck to speak to the commanders. Proctor Ingram told me about a project they will be working on to fight the Institute. I said I could get some high powered magnets for their giant robot, Liberty Prime. They said I could just get one. I went back down to the airport and contacted my masters.

"The Brotherhood has arrived in the Commonwealth and I met Elder Maxson." I said.

"Hrmm, strong firepower they have, yes. Careful you must be."

"It seems they have raised our suspicions about their purposes." Mace Windu commented. "We'd like to see Maxson."

"Yes, Master." I said, closing the holoprojector. I went back up to the command deck to see Maxson. "Maxson, the Jedi Council would like to talk to you."

"How could that be possible?" he asked.

"I have this." I said, showing him the holoprojector.

"This is some explicit technology you have." he said. I sensed he wanted it but I knew I couldn't just give it to him. I turned it on and gave it to him, watching him very closely. A hologram of the whole jedi council appeared. I stood on the side lines, watching.

"So, I see you're the Jedi council?" Maxson asked, looking around at the different creatures. The holograms of each member surrounded us... instead of on the holoprojector.

"Yes. And you must be this Maxson." Mace Windu said. "So tell us, what is your Brotherhood about?"

"We are the hope for the Commonwealth. We keep technology away from those who won't understand. We clean the place of its abominations. The Brotherhood of Steel fights the Institute and their synths. Synths are the enemy. They are never meant to exist. The super mutants and ghouls just make everything worse. Flesh is Flesh, Machine is Machine, the two were never meant to intertwine. We will clean them out and make the Commonwealth a better place." he said.

"Strong opinions, you have, Maxson." Yoda said.

"And very impressive confidence." Mace Windu added. "We will continue to help you, but know we are being cautious. Omega has a tracker on her wrist right now. If any major harm is done to her by the Brotherhood or any other factions there, know that we will come back."

The holoprojector turned off and I Force pulled it back to my belt. Maxson looked at me as I did it.

"Well, you heard what they said." I said, fidgeting with the tracker a little.

"Of course. I will keep it in mind." he said. "Go ahead on your mission. Good luck."

I went down to the airport again and decided to go meditate for a while. I came out of it to see Danse there.

"What?" I asked, standing up.

"Nothing, I'm just watching you."

"Mhm." I went into my bag and got out some portions for dinner. I got out the special plate for it and poured the powder onto it.

"I heard that Maxson had a special meeting with the Jedi Council."

"Which is none of your concern right now." I said. The portion had turned into a loaf of Polystarch bread by now and I was eating it.

"Wasn't that-"

"Yes. Want to try some?" I asked, handing him a small piece. He ate it after getting it from me.

"This is... very interesting." he said.

"To you." I said. "I gotta go. See you next time." I walked away towards a pre-war hospital to get the magnets. I fought my way through the hostiles there and got the magnets. I rested for a while when meditating then went back to the airport.

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