Raiding the Institute

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I was teleported into a chamber and saw white walls everywhere. I saw a nearby terminal and knew it was the place to scan the network. As I scanned it, I saw an emergency teleportation button nearby I decided to use to get out. After it was done, I pressed the button and stepped back into the teleportation chamber, teleporting out of the Institute. I arrived back at the Castle in a day after I found myself outside the C.I.T. Ruins. I was met by a happy Danse and other amazed Minutemen. I went to Darro and handed him the holotape.

"Good job, Omega." He said. "Now we need to go through all this data and find out how to assault the Institute."

"Alright." I said. "What should we do meanwhile?"

"We help the Commonwealth," he said. "I'll allow you to do a few missions for the Railroad or the Minutemen. Come back immediately when you're done."

I nodded and went to Preston. "What settlement needs help?" I asked. Preston told me about it and what settlement and I then went to the Railroad and got a mission from Carrington. 3 days went by of fighting and helping and I soon got contacted by Darro to come back to the Castle. I went and talked to him.

"There you are. It's time. We have a plan plotted out but need a few holes patched up." Darro said, pointing me at where they were stuck on. I suggested some things and he nodded. "Alright. We're ready then. I gathered up some clones for the assault and Preston gathered up Minutemen. We just need to get moving."

"I'm ready." I said. I saw Danse nearby, putting on armor. "You're coming?" I asked him.

"Yeah. I don't want-"

"Me to get hurt." I said. "I'm fine. You can stay."

"I want to go anyway." he shrugged and hopped onto an ARC-170 Starfighter. I went to go on the one Darro was on.

"I feel you are growing onto him." he said.

"No, master." I said. "I'm pushing it away." The rest of the trip to the entrance, some sewers, of the Institute was quiet. We fired on some ghouls and raiders but we arrived in no time. We went through the sewers, fighting ghouls, mole rats, and turrets. Soon we came across synths and managed to fight them off. After a while, we found ourselves in the teleportation room. We went through the old robotics division and lost some clones to syths, turrets, but mostly the sentry bot we activated for a distraction. We soon came to the main room of the Institute. We fought coursers and synths and soon they were cleared out.

"They're on security lockdown. We need to activate the director's terminal to override it. I'll stay here and keep watch. You go." Darro said.

I ran to where I sensed the director's quarters were and saw an old man watching over the clones and the Minutemen running around the place.

"So you're the leader of the Institute?" I asked.

"Yes. And you're the one who hacked into our network and has done these 'miracles' out in the Commonwealth?"

"I'm just following the Jedi Order and doing what is best." I said.

"Hmm. Do what you must and leave me be." he said.

I went to the terminal and overrid the security lockdown and ran back down to the main place.

"We must destroy the reactor with this pulse charge." Darro said. "The reactor is in Advanced Systems, let's go!" he called out to clones.

We fought the synths in the reactor room and had a hard time. A synth launched a missile launcher at me. I lived but the fire burned my robotic arm cover. I ignored it and dashed up to the reactor. I used the terminal to open it up and turn off the radiation it emitted. I turned to Darro after I planted the charge.

"Come on. We'll teleport back to the chamber room and debrief there." he said. We were teleported to the room and rushed out.

"Alright. We'll teleport everyone out of here and we can go to the detonation site." Darro said. "Is everything under control, commander?"

"Yes sir." he said.

"Let's get out of here, then."

We teleported to the Mass Fusion executive site and a button stood before me.

"Press the button, and let's clean this Commonwealth of its biggest enemy."

"What will we do after?" I asked.

"We'll move in more troops and continue to fight gunners, raiders, and many of the other threats. I know there's a whole planet that's filled with enemies, but this piece of land will be cleared." Darro explained.

"I'll be glad to see them blow up." Danse said. He had followed my group of clones despite the protests and was now here with us. I looked at the land below and pressed the button.

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