Lake of Sorrows

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"Hey," I said once they were done.

"Yeah?" she said.

"I'd like to speak to you."

"Very well." she sighed.

"Are you a jedi?" I asked once we were in a private area.

"What? No, the Jedi are long extinct." she scoffed. I sensed she was lying and wondered if Darro sensed my lies.

"Tell the truth, are you a jedi hiding from the Empire?"

She looked around. "Why do you want to know?"

"We're fighting for freedom on a planet." I trusted her and showed her my lightsaber.

She was surprised. "Yeah, I'm a jedi."

"Can you come with us?" I asked.

She thought for a moment. "I don't think I should-"

"Okra Luts. What a surprise you're still alive with your enthusiasm" Darro went up to us.

"Darro? What a surprise you're even here." she laughed.

"I have things covered." he said.

"So you want me to come with you?"

"Yes, for a commitment Omega has made."

She looked at me. "I heard about you... they chose you to go to the unknown planet." she said.

"It wasn't my choice... it happened a little fast."

"It was what they could spare. I'll come with you." she said.

"Great! It's getting dark out." I looked to the skies. "Our ship is nearby the lake..."

"I'll come with you." she said, following us. We went onto our ship.

"Hello, ma'am."

"Hello, little one." Okra smiled.

"I'm Cammi. Are you a jedi too?"

"I'm a jedi knight." she nodded.

"I'm training to be one..." she smiled.

"Yes you are Cammi." I said tiredly. "You should get some sleep."

"Where'd you pick that one up?"

"Naboo." I replied.

"She's cute. Is this like your padawan for your knighthood?"

"My original one died." I said. I remembered his lightsaber I took and looked at it.


"Sith lord."

"I'm sure you taught him well."

"Yeah." I put away his lightsaber. "I'm going to get some rest. See you tomorrow."

"You too."

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