The Railroad

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I got the information to follow the Freedom Trail and made my way to it. I still had my tracker beacon on my wrist and came across a church where the trail ended. I killed some ghouls and came across a dial on the wall of the catacombs I was in. I used the Force to open the secret doorway. It was dark in the room and I was about to use my lightsaber for light when other bright lights came on.

"Stop right there. I know you've been through a lot to arrange this meeting. But answer my questions. Who are you?" a red head said. Two people with a minigun and a pipe pistol aimed their guns at me. I held my hands up, even though it would be useless with the Force.

"I followed the Freedom Trail looking for the Railroad. I was sent here to help the Commonwealth. This was my second move." I said.

"You were 'sent here.' I find that hard to believe." she said, then another man came into the room. "Deacon, where have you been?"

"Seems like you're having a party. What gives my invitation?"

"I need intel. Who is this?" she said, looking me over.

"News flash boss, this gal came down on a ship. She helped the Brotherhood build their giant robot."

I glared at him, not knowing how I couldn't sense him spying on me.

"So you're with the Brotherhood? To snuff us out?"

"I was only helping them. We were wrong to trust them and now I'm going to help the Railroad." I said.

"Well that changes things." she said. "So you're just here to help? Who sent you?"

"The Jedi Council. They believed we could make allies with the people down on the Commonwealth." I said.

"I told you boss. Out of this planet." Deacon said. "This one is powerful. One wrong move, she'll chop us all in half in a second."

"Not really." I said.

"You're really from another place? Tell me where."

"Coruscant." I said. "I just want to help. Not harm. It's against the Jedi code to attack first."

"Mhm... I suppose you could help us. But only from this room."

"Come on, boss, you gotta let her in. It's like not even letting her in the Railroad." Deacon said.

"That would violate our security protocols." she said. "Unless she's joining, she can't know where our HQ is."

"It's right here." I said.

"How do you know that?"

"I can sense it with the Force." I said. "I do not let people into my information that quickly. It also applies to other people's information."

"If you think we can trust you just because you can keep secrets and because you betrayed the Brotherhood, it's not working." she said.

"I'm not the one who betrayed the Brotherhood. The Brotherhood betrayed the Jedi Council's trust. And I can keep secrets." I said.

"Come on, Des. This will become a rise in the Railroad. I've seen her do things. She's trustworthy."

"Alright. But you're going into a highly classified place. We'll be watching you. I'm Desdemona. And you've probably guessed I'm the leader of the Railroad. We are the synth's only friends. And since you're helping us, you're helping them too." Desdemona said, walking to the back of the room.

I went and followed her. The HQ was filled with coffins but with other things they used.

"It's not much, but it's the only place we've got that no one knows about." she said.

"I think it's a good place." I said, looking around.

"Talk to Doctor Carrington or P.A.M for missions." she said.

I went to Doctor Carrington first.

"I see you're the new helper Desdemona has let in. I certainly hope we can trust you."

"You can." I said.

"We'll see about that. There's a synth safehouse that went offline and Desdemona wants a report of what happened there. A dead drop has been dropped off in this location. Be careful out there."

I didn't need to ask many questions about synths or the Railroad. I thought of synths like the clones we had. I then went to P.A.M and had an awkward conversation with her I couldn't really understand. I at least understood the mission to secure a new safehouse. I walked back to the previous room where I talked to Deacon, Glory, and "Drummer Boy." Glory was a synth and Drummer Boy was like the messenger.

"So, sorry about first impressions." Deacon said.

"It's alright. Desdemona was just being cautious." I said.

"So about you being a Jedi and all, what is it like?"

"Just doing missions, being one with the Force, restore peace and justice to the galaxy."

"Well you guys seem to do a lot of that." he said.

"I gotta go... contact them." I said, walking away. I pulled out the holoprojector to speak with Yoda and possibly Mace Windu.

"Hrmm found the Railroad you have." Yoda said.

"So this Railroad helps synths only."

"Yes. They seem to go through a lot just to get one synth out of the Commonwealth. They also rely on trust to survive."

"Seems fair enough. But these people don't help the actual people of the Commonwealth."

"Helpful, they're not. Hrmm. Continue to help, you will, find another faction, you must."

"Yes master. I will try my best."

"Hrmm. Do or do not, there is no try." Yoda said.

"May the Force be with you, always."

I put away the holoprojector once more and was about to walk away to the missions I was assigned to when Deacon stopped me.

"Woah, woah, did you just have a conference with your mentors all the way from here?"

"Yeah," I said.

"Man, that's cool. Especially the backwards I talk thing." he laughed.

"That's not funny." I scolded. "I gotta go. See you around." I walked back up to the surface and made my way to my destination. 

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