Saving the Master

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The next day, I went exploring the Commonwealth more. I didn't know what happened to the Minutemen or the Railroad... or even Danse... until that moment. I was poking around Listening Post Bravo when we met each other.

"You're alive? I thought you-"

"I'm fine, Danse." I said. I still had my hood up. He pulled it down.

"No, you're not." he said. "Don't be ashamed. What happened?"

I told him what happened and he was shocked.

"I'm sorry for your losses... now this Empire will be like the Institute but worse... we must do something."


"We can rebuild and rebel against the Empire. I'm sure people are already doing so."

"Danse, it's over. The Jedi are gone."

"There must be survivors. Maybe we could look for them."

"Like who? There're many jedi out there... some I don't know... most I don't know." I said.

"What about Darro? Or your masters?"

"I don't think we'd ever find my masters and maybe we could find Darro... or at least know what happened to him... but we also need a ship."

"The Empire can handle one stolen ship." he said.

"I feel we need to gather up as many jedi as we can so that we can take back the Commonwealth perhaps. This place deserves to be free." I said, thinking. "I'll go take a ship, can you keep an eye out here?"

"Alright, I'll stay. Just be careful." he said, walking into the bunker. I went to Diamond city where I saw some TIE fighters. I snuck around and entered one. I looked at the controls and started lifting it off the ground. I was shot at by stormtroopers but I used the guns to kill them. I went into space and lightspeed once I escaped the Empire. I used the Force. I felt drawn to the planet Geonosis, where the Clone Wars just began. I saw they were building something and landed my ship nearby. I snuck into the site, looking for signs of Darro. I then saw a group of stormtroopers march my way with a hostage. I knew immediately it was Darro and I got into position to fight them without alerting the entire site. I stabbed the leader of the group, deflecting and killing the rest of the trooper escorts. Darro force pulled his lightsaber to his hand and went to cover with me.

"Thank you for your help, whoever you are." he said. I pulled down my hood and he was surprised. "Omega? I thought you were dead. What happened?"

"I'd ask you the same." I remarked, looking around. Some nearby troopers were investigating what had happened. "We can talk later, we need to get out of here."


"Uhhh, I think my TIE fighter has another cockpit." I said.

"I have a really bad feeling about this." he said.

"I don't, now this feels like Colt..." I paused sneaking to my parked ship.

"What happened to him?"

"He's dead." I said, climbing into the ship along with Darro. "That was easy." I smiled until we were shot at.

"That seems to have been an understatement." he said, using the guns on the ship.

I got ready for hyperspace and jumped into lightspeed. I sighed in relief. "Alright. We can go to Tatooine and get another ship." I said, immediately thinking of a plan.

"May I ask what has happened to you all this time?"

"Well, I mean..." I said. "We were sent to find out what they were building down there. We didn't have enough fuel and I decided to have my padawan get his own kyber crystal. I sensed Order 66 and only had enough fuel to go to the Commonwealth and we were attacked by the clones there."

"Darth Sidious has risen again." he nodded.

"We were warned not to go back to the temple but after a couple of days, a sith came and killed my padawan. I managed to escape, but... I was wounded..."

"I'm sorry." he said. "I was not expecting it, but I managed to survive. I was only with a few clones."

"It's ok." I said. "Have you ever trained a padawan?"

"Yes, a long time ago." he responded. "There was one, we really bonded but... she died..." he paused.

"I now know how it feels."

"So you got connected to him?"

"Well, kinda..." I said. "Alright we're at Tatooine. We can pass through safely with this TIE Fighter but we can't exactly without clearance codes."

"Don't worry, we'll use the Force." he smiled. We managed to get past the destroyer blockades and landed on Tatooine. 

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